« 2019. № 6 (150)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 6 (150), 1393—1407


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.06.1393



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4926-8430

Research Assistant at the

Lviv National Academy of Arts

79011, Ukraine, Lviv, Kubiyovycha str., 38

e-mail: chrystyna.zavarynska@gmail.com

Abstract. The study of the interrelation of verbal and visual components of the panegyric, which reveals certain correspondences between different elements of the image and the literary text that they complement, while agreeing with the «loci», assigned in rhetorical theory for person’s praise, remains among the principal and relevant problems in the research of Ukrainian panegyric engraving of the 17th—18th centuries. In particular, we imply a model for constructing a panegyric text, based on the tactics of the comparison between the praised person’s virtues and actions and was visually embodied in personifications, among which engravers most often choose the figures of cardinal and theological virtues.

The objective of this article is to analyze the iconographical features of the virtues’ personifications in Ukrainian panegyric engraving of the 17th — the first half of the 18th century on the basis of comparison with the main iconographic variants of such allegories in Western European graphic art and theoretical treatises of that period. The current research requires the use of several methods of art historical analysis, among them context analysis, which aims at distinguishing the function and significance of the artistic work in the period it was created. The central methodological approach to the study of the personifications of virtues is the iconographic analysis, which allows to highlight the peculiar features of each figure, considering their attributes, and taking into account their possible connection with other visual images and texts.

After a thorough analysis of both visual and textual material, we can draw certain conclusions, for example that the allegories and symbols of virtues in academic thesis prints and panegyric illustration visualize some universal ethical models, formed within the rhetorical guidelines for the glorification of secular rulers and clergy. Moreover, the praise of virtue in engravings is presented as a peculiar formula, that combines allegorical figures from the canon of cardinal and theological virtues, as well as other semantically related personifications and mythological figures, which correspond with verbal panegyric formulas like «Religione pro Deo, Sapientia pro patria» or «Prudentia/Sapientia et Fortitudo».

Keywords: personification, cardinal and theological virtues, iconography, panegyric engraving, academic thesis prints, heraldic poetry.

Received 12.11.2019


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