« 2020. № 1 (151)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 1 (151), 177—189

UDK7.071.5: 37: 316.36: 159.924.7

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.01.177



ОRCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6833-6462

Postgraduate student, Kyiv National

University of Culture and Arts,

36, Evgeni Konovalets str., 01133, Kyiv, Ukraine,

Contacts: e-mail: alla_stepp@ukr.net

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to give an answer on the still relevant questions: What is the ratio of the natural gift and family transmission, innate and acquired? What prevails in the artistic dynasties — the development and imitation of the closest examples, or the creation of a new, craft or inspiration? For similar questions one does not have to look for an unambiguous answer, because each genus is special, especially if the genre is artistic. Given problem is highlighted by the example of the ancestors and descendants of a well known researcher of Ukrainian folk art M.R. Selivatchov.

Our study is based on the documents from the archives and on the numerous publications about the family’ representatives with applying mostly biographic method. We shall start from Katerina Selivatchova (1864 — after 1911). She is an author of several oil pictures and graphic works, reproduced at the many postcards and books. Her son, Alexey Selivatchov (1887—1919), taught at the Vilna’ gymnasium language and literature to Mikhail Bakhtin and wrote his thesis under the tutelage of the Kharkiv’ Academician Nikolai Sumtsov. In the Selivatchov’ printed works issues of literary and linguistics, philosophy, and religion are studied from the point of emerging in those days phenomenology. His son Roman (1914—1995) was an artist in the field of polygraphy. Next three family’ generations are also connected with art.

Our main conclusions should be formulated in such a way: the family tradition may give the child cultural soil, along with a school education. Nevertheless, the most important is the personal natural inclination, since children of the same parents do not always choose the same profession or activity. On the other hand, while clearly «brought up by education» it appears more noticeable than mysterious «innate talent», but there are things too in the arts that cannot be taught. A family can teach parenting crafts, but more importantly in a changing world, it is not so much having specific knowledge and skills as being able to always inspire, constantly learn, discover talented, whether new or forgotten. to preserve the children’s ability to admire, marvel, and pass on this impulse to others.

Keywords: acquired ability, artistic dynasties, family transmission, innate ability, natural endowment.

Received 20.01.2020


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