« 2020. № 3 (153)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 3 (153), 738—745

UDK [392.3 + 392.91] (477.83/.84 + 477.86)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.03.738



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9646-2100

Candidate of Historical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies of the

Ukrainian National Forestry University,

103 General Chuprynky Street, Lviv, 79057, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: idenys15@gmail.com

Abstract. This article deals with the problem of analysis of personal names in Gorodochchyna Lviv region on the basis of church baptism metrics (Artyshchiv, Mavkovychi, Cherlyany, Ugry, Stodilky, Bratkovychi, Halychany, Rodatychi, Andriyaniv, Livchytsi villages and Gorodok) in the middle of XIXth — at the beginning of XXIth centuries.

Since ancient times actual for Ukrainians is a question of correct choice of the name for a baby from the rich Ukrainian noun, in fact, our ancestors believed that the name determines the fate of man. In the different ethnographic regions of Ukraine there are many customs and traditions related to the choice and grant to the name of the new-born child. Therefore the aim of the article is to consider the names system of Gorodkivchan and investigate Ukrainian name traditions of the child on the territory of Gorodochchyna Lviv region on the materials of church christening birth-certificates (Artyshchiv, Mavkovychi, Cherlyany, Ugry, Stodilky, Bratkovychi, Halychany, Rodatychi, Andriyaniv, Livchytsi villages and Gorodok) from the middle of ХІХth  — to the beginning of ХХІth centuries. Research methodology is based on the using of historical, systematic, scientific principles, authorial objectivity, as well as the application of features of comparative-historical, structural-functional, statistical, deductive methods, typological and complex analysis. The scientific novelty of work consists of the name’s system and child’s name traditions which are investigated for the first time in the Ukrainian historiography, ethnology, linguistics, ethno-linguistics on the territory of Gorodochchyna Lviv region in the middle of ХІХth — at the beginning of ХХІth centuries.

Generally known, that the proper name associated with magic and mystic rituals are certain, and a choice and grant of the human name were accompanied by corresponding customs and ceremonies characteristic for every locality of Ukraine. Ukrainians noun’s research, in particular Gorodkivchan, has both cognitive and applied value, because it informs about the deeper understanding of our human history, psychology, spiritual culture. The etymologic analysis of the nominal repertoire helps to expose cultural and historical copulas between ethnoss, methods of their cooperation. The detailed motivational analysis helps to understand changes that take place in the psychology of people and in aesthetic tastes. As known, the modern repertoire of the Ukrainians official names limits enough, and in some aspects even not quite rationed. The active enriching of nominal repertoire and its future normalization would take place far more successfully, if the using of new names relied on deep knowledge of our people’s names history in Ukraine, in particular in Western Ukraine.

Keywords: Gorodoсhchyna, personal name, church baptism metrics, motives of the child’s naming, folk believes, customs and traditions.

Received 10.02.2020


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