« 2020. № 4 (154)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 4 (154), 867—880

UDK 745.51.021.7(477.8)”18/19”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.04.867



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8292-202X
  • Candidate of Sciences in Art Studies, Ph. D,
  • Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Folk Art Department,
  • 15, Svoboda Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: oleh.bolyuk@gmail.com

Abstract. The types of forms of clichй and artistic features of the handmade oil (on the top of fabrics) ornament of vybiyka in Western Ukraine, the little known artifacts kept in the museums of Lviv and Prague, are considered.

Actuality is predefined by the necessity of introduction for scientific turnover of expressive examples of traditional Ukrainian culture in the Eastern Galicia. The hand — ornament (vybiyka) by oil paints on canvas — one of the permanent markers of ethnic identity of Ukrainians of the western Ukrainian lands. There are few studies of this type of decorative art that enhances the sharpness of scientific problem.

The purpose of the article — to promulgate the results of research of specific of decor of homespun fabrics of Ukrainians by using wooden printing blocks of vybiyka. On the background development of traditional hand tools of hand painting (object of the research), forms and ornamentation of the printed cliches (subject of the research) are studied.

The structure of the work is based on the results of methods of artistic analysis, terminological, comparison; historical, systematic approaches; systems principles.

The material artistic artifacts of museums in Lviv, Prague, Vilnius and manuscripts of the Czech anthropologist F. Rzhehorzh became a source base of the study.

The novelty of the article is to present a little known sights of museums and clarify local names of the Ukrainian vybiyka in the late XIX — mid-XX century, description of corresponding to them ornamental patterns, which significantly improved the attribution of sights in the inventory monuments.

It is analysed that in made of the printed forms were used contr-relief and notched threads.

On the example of famous traditional, printed, decorative ornaments and contemporary interpretation of their motives it is indicated the difference between them. It is marked on individual aesthetic preferences of creativity in this area at the present stage of its development. It is also noticeable gradual revival of ancient crafts in the present time, however with a different interpretation of composition, motives of ornament, use of modern materials and facilities. There are still unclear questions in the study of Ukrainian vybiyka.

Keywords: hand beating, wooden cliches, types of carvings, ornament, Eastern Galicia.

Received 10.06.2020


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