« 2022. # 2 (164)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 2 (164), 473—479

UDK 930.2:[008:[325.3:321.74(47+57)]](477.83-25)” 1939/1991″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.02.473



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8297-2414
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences,
  • Senior research fellow,
  • Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Department of Social Anthropology,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Department of the history of Ukraine,
  • museum studies and cultural heritage,
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University,
  • 12, Bandera street, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: oksana.m.hodovanska@lpnu.ua

Abstract. The purpose of the proposed article is to clarify the set of ways to study the cultural heritage of the city of Lviv in Soviet times. The following tasks are set for its implementation — a description of methodological concepts and analysis of their limitations and absoluteness in the study of cultural heritage.

Territorial boundaries and chronological framework were delineated by the city of Lviv from 1939 to 1991. In-depth interest in the cultural heritage of the Soviet-era city involves consideration of various methods and methodological approaches. A crucial role in studying the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Lviv occupies the postcolonial paradigm, which can be an attempt to implement the leading value, removing antagonisms, reconciling former antagonists, and building relationships free from domination between national communities.

During the study of the Soviet cultural heritage of the city, it is appropriate to take into consideration the idea of the «humanistic coefficient». It emphasizes that all social facts are always related to human activities, and the facts are «someone’s but not nobody’s», placed in the life experiences of individuals or communities who encounter them, notice them, register, experience, interpret, evaluate. Social studies of the concept of culture and the concept of acculturation reveal new perspectives in the study of the cultural heritage of Soviet Lviv.

The cultural identity of the citizens of Soviet Lviv was created by the imposition of various cultural influences under which they were. These cultural impacts could act in one direction and mutually reinforce, forming a monolithic, complete and unconditional identification with culture. As well as various cultural influences in fact could be inconsistent, leading to cultural dissonance, and as a result to the integrity lacks, «cracked» cultural identity. The concept of authority, which belongs to the French philosopher Michel Foucault, and with his understanding of discursive power, is another tool for analyzing the cultural heritage of Soviet Lviv. Horizontality, decentralization, invisibility are the reference features of discursive powers, implemented through the mechanisms (supervision, normalization, and discipline) of the Soviet cultural code.

Keywords: postcolonialism, acculturation, cultural heritage, discursive authorities, Lviv, Soviet times.

Received 1.04.2022


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