« 2024. # 4 (178)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 4 (178), 901—925

UDK [[745.51+730]:[726:271-526.2]](477.8)”165/185″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.04.901



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2699-4907
  • Ph.D., Senior Researcher
  • The Institute of Ethnology
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Department of Art Studies,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: е-mail: zhyshko@i.ua

Abstract. The article examines the architectural, structural, artistic-plastic, and thematic features of the formation of iconostasis in the churches of Western Ukraine during the period from the second half of the 17th century to the 19th century. Starting from the mid-16th century and throughout subsequent periods, the churches of the Eastern tradition gradually introduced the carving of wooden iconostases, in which the decor evolved from low, almost planar relief to high relief with dynamic form development.

In the mid-17th century, new schemes of modifying icono­stases were gradually introduced in the churches of the Eastern Christian tradition, incorporating round sculpture into the structure in addition to icons and intricate openwork carving. The new principles of forming iconostases were most vividly manifested in the territories of Western Ukraine, particularly in Galicia, where the Western European Catholic-Latin artistic spatial-plastic tradition left the most significant trace in the churches of the Eastern rite, resulting in the emergence of a number of original and unique ensembles.

Many researchers have addressed the development of icono­stases in the territories of Western Ukraine, but mostly attention has been focused on specific aspects of architectural-plastic and stylistic solutions or, conversely, on outlining a generalized picture of the evolution of the organization of the space in front of the iconostasis with emphasis on the pictorial-iconographic component. The need for a more thorough study of the symbiosis of construction, relief carving, round sculpture, and the thematic resolution of iconostases in the Eastern rite churches of Western Ukraine highlights the relevance of the proposed research.

The purpose of the article is not only to overview the resolution of several main compositional schemes of architectural-plastic solutions of iconostases in Western Ukrainian churches but also to examine in detail the symbiosis of traditional Eastern Christian iconostasis with round sculpture and high relief carving. It aims to outline the main themes, stylistic features, and iconographic content of iconostases with sculpture. Additionally, it aims to identify the role of contemporary renowned sculptors who were influenced by the Western European Catholic-Latin church altar sculpture in introducing new trends in the arrangement of iconostases in churches in Western Ukraine.

The object of the research is relief carving and sculpture in the decoration of iconostases in Western Ukrainian churches during the second half of the 17th to the 19th centuries. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of architecture, stylistic, artistic-plastic, and thematic content of iconostases in Western Ukrainian churches, created in the context of the development trends of contemporary European religious art.

Keywords: church, iconostasis, style, sculpture, relief carving.

Received 17.06.2024


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