The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 5 (179), 1295—1307
UDK 745/749:061:069.4/5+398.332.12(045)(477.8)”19″
TESLIUK Valentyna
- Head of the Funds Sector, Leading Custodian of the Pysanka Fund,
- Museum of Ethnography and Crafts,
- Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. The relevance of the topic is driven by the need for an in depth analysis of the history of museum collections, which helps to assess the role of Ukrainian society in the development and preservation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage. Pysanka collection of the Museum of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (hereinafter — the NTSh Museum) is the object of the study. It aims to analyze the history of this collection and to evaluate the role of Ukrainian intelligentsia in the development and regional diversity of this collection. The chronological scope of the study covers the period of 1900s — 1940.
The research methodology is based on the application of a number of methods of museological and historical research, in particular, the chronological method, the principles of historicism, document analysis, and systematization.
The main sources include the inventory books of the NTSh Museum, as well as the SSS chronicles and scientific works on the history of the NTSh Museum collection. The article emphasizes the leading role of Ukrainian society in the development of the pysanka collection. For the first time, the specific contribution of Ukrainian scientists, researchers, public figures, teachers, priests, gymnasium students, and other donors to the museum collection is outlined. Two stages of the collection creation (before the First World War and the interwar period) are identified. In addition to chronological boundaries, they differ in the level of involvement of Ukrainian society in collecting and transferring pysankas to the Museum and in regional diversity. At present, pysanka collection of the NTSh Museum is in the Pysanka Fund of the Museum of Ethnography and Crafts of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society Museum, pysanka, collection, Shevchenko Scientific Society inventory books, appeal, donors.
Received 23.10.2024
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