The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 6 (180), 1610—1615
UDK 738.3(477.44-24Бар)”186/192″:069.8](477)(045)
- Doctor of Culturolodgy, Candidate of Historical Sciences,
- Professor, Head of the Department of Museum and Tourist Activity,
- Kharkiv State Academy of Culture,
- 4, Bursatskyi uzviz, 61057, Kharkiv, Uknaine,
- Contacts: e-mail:
- рostgraduate student of the Department of History of Ukraine
- of the Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University,
- Director of non-governmental organizations
- «Bar City Art Amateur Theater» and «Bar Ceramics Folk Museum»,
- 39/33, Vrublevskoho str., 23000, Bar, Uknaine,
- Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. Introduction. One of the most attractive pottery centers of Podilla is Bar (Vinnytsia region, ethnographic region — Podillia). The products of the masters who worked there in the second half of the 19th — first quarter of the 20th century are a distinctive phenomenon of Ukrainian folk culture. The pottery of this center has been studied for over 100 years. During this time, a significant amount of Bar ceramics has accumulated in the museum collections. A new stage in the history of Bar pottery began in 2018, when the project «Revival of Bar Ceramics Traditions» launched, which was implementing with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. Problem Statement. The certain aspects related to the implementation of this important project have been covered in scientific publications. However, information on a holistic view of its results has not yet been published. Purpose is the generalizing characteristic of the main scientific achievements in the study of the ceramics of Bar of the 19th — first third of the 20th centuries and the revival of the production of products within the Bar style. Methods. A complex of methods and approaches characteristic of museological, historical and art history disciplines was involved. In particular, the principle of historicism, methods of comparative and visual analysis. Results. The largest collections of Bar ceramics in Ukraine and the most interesting items from them that were found during the expeditions are briefly characterized. Information presented about created the virtual museum of Bar ceramics within the project and the results of the study of Bar ceramics using natural science methods. The circle of masters who produce ceramics in the «Bar style» is outlined. Conclusion. The complex project «Revival of Bar Ceramics Traditions», implemented with the financial support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, has become an important stage in the study and popularization of pottery in Bar. In the process of its implementation, knowledge about the phenomenon of Bar pottery was deepened and it was possible to restore the production of ceramics in the local style on the territory of the center, and innovative types of museification of pottery heritage were created.
Keywords: pottery, ceramics, Bar, revival, collections.
Received 3.12.2024
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