The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 5 (155), 1213—1225
UDK 94:811.16:81’373.21(477.83)
TARAS Yaroslav
- Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
- The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy
- of Sciences of Ukraine,
- Head of the Department of Ethnology,
- 15, Prospekt Svobody, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
- Contacts: е-mail:
Abstract. The article deals with information about the tribal union of Duliby, analyzes the chronicles and printed sources of the XVI — early XXI centuries, illuminates the significance and origin of Duliby ethnonyms, concludes that among scientists there is no unambiguous understanding on the territory of the settlement of Duliby and the origin of the names of the settlement of the Duliby district of Lviv region. It is found out that scientists are on two positions on the settlement of Duliby. It could appear during the ancient hegemony of Dulibov in this region in the XI—XII centuries, or in the XII century; during the Galician-Volyn wars, and wars of Volodymyr Volodarovych or Yaroslav Osmomysl with Kyiv princes as a settlement of captured Volynians.
To identifying the origin of the village Duliby, the names recorded in the Josephinsky and Franciscan metrics were analyzed. For the first time, autochthonous surnames of Dulibchians of the Strysky district of the XVIII — the beginning of the XIX century, were analyzed formation, it was found that they are rare, uncharacteristic for Western Ukraine, are distributed in the central, eastern parts of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the surnames confirmed the hypothesis that is the Duliby of the Strysky district was populated by the Galician princes from Volyn and lands that were subordinated to the Kyivan princes. The comparative analysis of the surnames of the end of the XVIII century is made. With the names of Dulibchians at the beginning of the XXI century, it has been established that compared to the Josephian and Franciscan metrics, the number of surnames as of 2017 increased by 10 times, the most numerous surnames are presented. It is also shown that autochnotic surnames are lost, or they are on a critical loss limit.
Keywords: Duliby, Volyn, village of Duliby, Strysky district, Lviv region, Chronicle Slavic tribes, Josephian, Franciscan metrics.
Received 21.10.2020
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