2020 #6 Mushketyk L.

« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1328—1343

УДК 398:392.37(=161.2)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.06.1328


  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5958-0044
  • Doctor of Phylological Sciences, Corresponding Member
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Leading Researcher of the Maxim Rylsky Institute
  • of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology
  • National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine
  • 2-B, Mykilsko-Slobidska str., 02002, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • e-mail: mushketik@ukr.net


Today gender issues are becoming relevant, among others, gender and age patterns of behavior, which are studied on the examples of the existence of different communities of the past and present. Views on the man and woman purpose, their behavioral roles and moral dimensions of the expansive were reflected in folk lyric and household songs, calendar and wedding poetry, folk tales and paremias.

The purpose and objectives of the proposed study is consideration on the material of folklore works the main behavioral roles of spouses in the Ukrainian family of the XIX — early XX centuries, analysis of oral poetic plots and motives, characters, etc. in the context of gender relations, customary law, religious postulates, universal moral and ethical criteria.

The method of work has a complex, interdisciplinary character, among others the methods of ethnoethics and ethnopsychology, principles of philological, imagological analysis are applied. The object of research is the plots and motives of folklore works, which deal with the division of labor and responsibilities, the situation of «additional confrontation» in the family.

The subject is an artistic reflection of the views of the peasantry on the purpose of husband and wife, their joint representation of those virtues that were considered ideal in society.

Folklore depicts mainly the problems of a failed marriage, an unhappy marriage, descriptions of the suffering of both women and men. Society’s rejection of divorce led to another, greater sin — the murder of a husband or wife, which is verbalized in the artistic space of folk ballads. The formed division of labor and responsibilities had a significant moral content, its purpose was to raise the authority of the man as head of the family, to preserve its prestige (stories «about women’s and men’s work»). The community was also condemned for marital fidelity in marriage, the tendency to adultery is traditionally ridiculed by the people in anti-religious works, shameful songs and songs about the relationship between godparents, old husband and young wife, and so on.

The novelty of the work is to attract new data to the study of ethnoethics, gender and age behavioral roles in peasant society.

Keywords: spouses, behavioral roles, folklore, genres, women’s destiny, work, betrayal.


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