
« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1344—1355

УДК 398:7.074(477.86-11)



  • doctor of philological sciences, professor,
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
  • Str. Universytetska, 1, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.
  • e-mail:


Boykivshchyna occupies an important place among other ethnographic regions of Ukraine and has an outstanding folklore fund, which is still not fully represented in scientific researches. The relevance of the article is stipulated by the insufficient studies of folk art of the boykos (people living in Highland areas of the Carpathian Mountains) and research of scientific heritage of those researchers who studied the oral folklore of this region. Boykivshchyna folklore is a part of the whole complex of traditional and everyday culture and is interrelated with its other components (customary and legal, moral and ethical, ceremonial ones), which reveals the historical and ethnographic unity of the ethnos.

The aim of the article is to present a folklore review of Boykivshchyna in records and articles of scholars, to analyze the folk poetry fund through a genre and thematic prism (ritual songs of winter, spring and summer cycle; wedding, family and household songs, kolomyiki; paremias, prose works), to reveal local peculiarities of Boykos’ folklore, its poetic features, to focus on the concepts and principles of studying the ethnocultural tradition of the region in the folklore activities of scholars.

The object of study is ethnocultural tradition of boykos in the folklore activities of I. Vahylevych, I. Franko, O. Rozdolskyi, F. Kolessa, Z. Kuzelia, V. Levynskyi.

The chronological boundaries cover the end of the XIX — first half of the XX century including the middle of the XIX century, which is partially related to the activities of I. Vahylevych. The research is based on the scientific work of the members of the Ethnographic Commission of the Taras Shevchenko Scholarly Society in Lviv, related to the study of Boykivshchyna folklore. The article includes materials of ethnographic expeditions, published in various publications, as well as manuscripts, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Following the territorial principle, the article focuses on the part of Boykivshchyna that according to the modern administrative division belongs to Drohobych and Skole districts of Lviv region. The study used culturological, comparative, systemic and statistical methods.

Keywords: expedition, ritual-based folklore, folk songs, themes, motive, publication, «Ethnographic Collection».


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