« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1247—1255

УДК [7.075:339.16:004.738]:616.98](477)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.06.1247


  • leading researcher,
  • SI «Institute of Regional Studies
  • named after M.I. Dolishny NAS of Ukraine»,
  • 4, Kozelnytska Street, 79026, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • e-mail:


Background. The pandemics has strongly affected the culture and arts domain due to the absence of communication, closed borders, and isolation of countries and people. In such conditions, there is a need to carry out a specific research that would determine the peculiar trends on the art market in crises stipulated by the consequences of the quarantine caused by the COVID-2019 pandemics, analyze their nature, and outline the perspectives for further development.

Methods. Based on the applied methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization, the trends peculiar to the development of the art market are determined. They include the organizational activity of galleries, auctions, and other entities in the art ecosystem directed at the search for the ways and methods to preserve the market; application of the methods to support culture and arts by the authorities of the leading countries to preserve the art organizations and activity of artists; use of digital technology and transfer of the market to the online regimen; display of the artists’ active position in terms of generating the creative ideas to work in art and on the market.

Results. The detected and characterized trends constitute the scientific novelty of the research. The outlined and analyzed cases lead to the conclusion that creative ideas about the new format of exhibitions and sales of artworks can give the artists and art organization in conditions of the quarantine or other crises an opportunity to promote themselves on local and global levels and show the devotion to common values and goals.

Conclusions. The nature of events causes the need to review the business processes on the art market and management models at organizations (institutions of the art ecosystem) that are of utmost importance for culture and arts domain and to search for new managerial decisions.

Keywords: COVID-2019 pandemics, art market, art ecosystem, trends, e-commerce.


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