« 2021. # 5 (161)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 5 (161), 1087—1095

UDK 94(477.83/.86):324]”1861/1914″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.05.1087



Abstract. Introduction. The Galician Sejm was the highest body of the self-government system of the Austrian province, called the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria with the Grand Duchy of Cracow together with the principalities of Auschwitz and Zator. The Sejm held regularly in Lviv from 1861 to 1914. The number of all deputies of the Galician Sejm was 150, from 1896  154, after 1900 — 161. 199 — exactly this number of men represented the Ukrainian people in the Galician Diet, who from 1861 to 1913 won the election 267 times.

The object of the research is the Diet of the Galicia as well as the subject is its Ukrainian faction.

Problem statement. Continuing his previous research on the list of the Ukrainian deputies, now the author focused on the regional divide of the Ukrainian mandates. The purpose of this article is to learn how the Ukrainian mandates of the Diet’s deputies were distributed territorially and answer the question: what factors contributed to the activity of the Ukrainian voters?

There was not such a research in historiography, this determines its relevance.

Methods. Using mathematical methods and counting Ukrainian mandates, the author focused on the political geography of the elections to the Diet.

Results. The attached table shows that in only two counties  Nadvirna and Zbaraz’ — the Ukrainian candidate always won the mandate, in three — Brody, Z’ovkva and Kalush — in 9 cases out of 10, in six — Drohobych, Z’ydachiv, Sniatyn, Stanislaviv, Stryi, Turka — in 8 out of 10 and so on. Lviv, Horodok, Dobromyl, Novy Sonch, Skalat and Jaroslav counties, who have managed to elect a Ukrainian just once in all history of the Galician Diet, completed the table. Such statistics of regional distribution of seats were determined by level of education, material standard of living, and self-awareness of voters of III and IV curias, factors of presence or absence of local political leaders, their ability to win the trust of voters, activity or passivity of Polish politicians and state administration in these areas. At the same time the influence of the Lviv Ukrainian parties` leadership on the election results was not significant.

Keywords: Regional history, Galicia, Galician Diet, elections.

Praca powstała w ramach Stypendium im. Konstytucji 3 Maja Fundacji Wolność i Demokracja w roku 2021. Stypendium Naukowe jest realizowane w ramach projektu „Spotkania Klubu Galicyjskiego. Jaremcze 2021” wspieranego ze środków Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów w ramach konkursu Polonia i Polacy za Granicą 2021.

Received 9.10.2021


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