« 2022. # 1 (163)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 1 (163), 252—


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.01.252



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3164-1217
  • Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department
  • The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Department of Folklore,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: vasylsokil@gmail.com

KOVAL Halyna

  • ORCID ID: http://orcid. org/0000-0002-2998-2357
  • Doctor of Philology, Senior Researcher
  • The Ethnology Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Department of Folklore,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: galyna.kov@gmail.com

An important page in the scientific biography of H. Demyan, related to the circumstances of the procedure of his thesis on I. Vahylevych, has not yet been researched.

The basis of the proposed article is formed by separate publications of the author on the topic, analysis of the life of a member of the «Russian Trinity», various aspects of his research, including a historian, expert on the history of Ukraine and many European countries. For the first time, we learn about his knowledge of special historical disciplines, material and spiritual culture, rites, beliefs and more. All this information has enriched the theoretical and methodological basis and analytical base in this area. They formed a holistic subject of study.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the multifaceted historical and ethnographic research of I. Vahylevych, which was thoroughly traced by H. Demyan, showing an innovative approach in considering this issue. It consists in a comprehensive presentation of the scientific heritage of the scientist: source studies, history, folklore and ethnography, social and political aspect.

The source base for writing the proposed publication were separate articles by H. Demyan on this issue, especially archival sources that are in his personal fund of the Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library (fund 207), especially many materials (originals and copies of thesis versions, business papers, minutes, extracts, transcripts of meetings, epistolary, etc.). Almost all of them are presented to the scientific community for the first time.

The research methodology is based on the theoretical understanding of the heritage of I. Vahylevych, analysis, systematization and generalization of historical and ethnographic experience, which was professionally carried out by H. Demyan. This made it possible to learn about historical processes in Ukraine and the world, nation-building foundations and local features.

Keywords: I. Vahylevych, historian, ethnographer, archivist, thesis, monograph.

Received 3.02.2021


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  • Excerpt from the minutes of the № 4 meeting of the Department of Historiography and Source Studies of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences on February 28, 1973. Specialty 07.00.09 — historiography and source studies. In Demyan, G. Discussion of the dissertation on I. Vahylevych. (Arc. 46). Uzhhorod [in Ukrainian].
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  • Statement of the graduate student of Uzhhorod State University Demyan G.V. to the director of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences corresponding member Shevelyov A.G. In Demyan, G. Discussion of the dissertation on I. Vahylevych (Arc. 53) [in Ukrainian].
  • Shulga, I. Letter to G.V. Demyan dated November 3, 1976. In Viddil rukopysiv L’vivs’koyi natsional’noyi naukovoyi biblioteky imeni V. Stefanyka. F. 207. Od. zb. 232. Ark. 1 [in Ukrainian].
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  • Minutes of the meeting of the ethnography department of the Lviv branch of the IMPE NAS of Ukraine dated February 23, 1989. In Arkhiv IN NAN Ukrainy. F. 1. Op. 1. Od. zb. 964. Ark. 12—16 [in Ukrainian].
  • (1989). Extract from the minutes of the 7 th meeting of the Academic Council of the Lviv branch of the Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnography. M.F. Rylsky Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In Demyan, G. Documentation for the defense of the dissertation on Ivan Vahylevych (Arc. 1—7). Manuscripts It is stored in the home archive of G. Dem’yan [in Ukrainian].
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  • Review of G.V. Demyan’s dissertation «Socio-political and scientific-historical activity of I.N. Vagilevich», submitted for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences in the specialty 07.00.02 — History of the USSR. In Demyan, G.V. Documentation for the defense of the dissertation on Ivan Vahylevych (L. 8—10) [in Ukrainian].
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  • Transcript of the meeting of the specialized council K.068.26.05 on historical sciences in Lviv Order of Lenin State University. I. Franka. In Demyan, G.V. Documentation for the defense of the dissertation on Ivan Vahylevych (L. 24—59) [in Ukrainian].
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