« 2022. # 5 (167)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 5 (167), 1041—1058

UDK 930(477):[910.4:629.5.017.2](=161.2)(470+571)(092):[39+81](=56+=81/82)-047.37]”18″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.05.1041



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7848-180X
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences,
  • Senior Researcher,
  • The Institute of Ethnology of the NASU,
  • The Department of Modern Ethnology,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: bilka3@gmail.com

Abstract. Problem Statement. American studies achievements of Ukrainians belong to those pages of national historiography that are exceptionally sparingly represented in world humanitarianism. Vasyl Khromchenko (1792—1849) was one of the movers in this area. His heritage is actively used by foreign researchers of the traditional cultures and languages of the indi            genous peoples of North America. However, the ethnic and social origin of V. Khromchenko remains unclear to this day. At most, Russian historiography interprets this figure, with a distinctly Ukrainian surname model, exclusively as a Russian scientist. That is why only under this marker he is known to the American and European scientific community.

The purpose of the article is to establish the ethnicity of V. Khromchenko, to reveal his contribution to the study of the genesis, ethnic history, traditional life, the languages of the Eskimos and Indians, and to consider his achievements in the context of the intellectual history of Ukrainians.

The biographical method and methods of genealogical research helped to establish the place of birth, and social origin of V. Khromchenko, to expand his scientific biography. The method of historiographical analysis made it possible to find out the scope, forms and features of his ethnographic collecting activities. The comparative-historical method made it possible to study the legacy of V. Khromchenko in comparison with the achievements of his predecessors and contemporaries, as well as with the latest developments.

The exploratory and analytical work resulted in finding evidence of the Ukrainian ethnicity of the seafarer. The Khromchenko family from the end of the 17th century, maps of his sea expeditions and ethnographic research along the western coast of North America have been reproduced. The priority of a native of Ukrainian ethnic lands in learning the culture and language of many Eskimo and Indian tribes of Alaska and California has been established. In conclusion, the factual importance of V. Khromchenko`s ethnographic and linguistic materials for global American studies and their active use in modern studies have been emphasised.

Keywords: Vasyl Khrochenko, seafarer, a native of Ukraine, genealogical research, ethnography, lexicographic material, Eskimos, Indians, Alaska, California.

Received 8.09.2022


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