« 2023. # 2 (170)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2023. № 2 (170), 396—405


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2023.02.396



Abstract. Introduction. In the paper, the importance of «The Industrial Aid League» in a development of Galician, of particular Stanislavov region, folk arts and craft (clothes, fabrics, lace) in the early XX century is considered. Such an urgent need to establish an appropriate regional organization in Galicia resulted from the low level of local production, which was lost by imports from abroad; due to the lack of vocational education, which in turn influenced the scope and quality of regional goods; poor promotion of local crafts, especially rural (home) crafts. For this purpose «The Industrial Aid League» was officially approved during the Regional Products Fair in Lviv (1904), which played a leading role in the economic and industrial development of Galicia before the First World War. The organization was represented in over 250 cities, towns and villages, some of which operated in the Stanisіaviv region: the main centers: Stanisіaviv, Kolomyja, Kosiv, Horodenka, Nadvirna, Kuty and others.

However, the significance and effective results of «The Industrial Aid League» remained out of the attention of Ukrainian researchers, which emphasizes the relevance of the article.

The paper aim — to outline main activities of «The Industrial Aid League» in the context of the craft (clothes, fabrics, lace) development in Halychyna (Galicia), of particular Stanislaviv region, in the early XX century.

The novelty of the publication lies in the introduction into scientific circulation the information about the activities of the «The Industrial Aid League» and its significance for the Galician industry of the first third of the XX century. It was found that in the early XX century «The Industrial Aid League» was a leader in the promotion and development of local crafts and in Halychyna (Galicia). Thanks to its activity, the products of Galician manufacturers became known and were in demand not only in the region but also abroad. The main function directions of the organization are identified as well as its leading centers are clarified. This data are published for the first time.

The research object is the activities of «The Industrial Aid League», and the subject is the development of folk arts and crafts in Halychyna (Galicia), of particular Stanislaviv region, in the early XX centuries. The paper methodological basis is the principle of historicism.

The paper source base consists of archival documents, reports, periodicals, photographs from the funds of research institutions of Ukraine and Poland.

Keywords: «The Industrial Aid League», Halychyna (Galicia), Stanislaviv region, craft, folk arts, clothes, fabrics, lace, centers.

Received 11.11.2022


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