
« 2023. # 4 (172)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2023. № 4 (172), 1003—1012

UDK [908:015](477.8)”1909/1939″



MOVNA Marianna

  • Ph.D. of Historical Sciences,
  • Researcher of the Vasyl Stefanyk
  • National Scientific Library of Ukraine of Lviv
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • in Department of Scientific Bibliography,
  • 2, Stefanyka str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail:

Abstract. Today, in connection with the intensification of the process of creating a national identity in the conditions of the Ukrainian-Russian military confrontation, the ideology of rooting in human consciousness, the idea of ​​the value of the native land, a small homeland, local patriotism, in which the origins of the all-Ukrainian identity lie, is gaining important attention to the problems of historical regional studies, and research in the historical and regional studies direction, in particular in the diachronic section, are particularly relevant.

The purpose of the article is to provide a bibliographic review of the selected bibliography of Ukrainian historical and local history publications of Eastern Galicia and Volyn’ from 1909 to 1939.

The chronological framework of the study is dictated by the emergence of historical and local history literature as a scientific genre in these areas, and the geography covers the area from Lviv to Plisnesk, Brody, Sokal, Zhovkva, Yavoriv, Dobromyl, Galych, Belz, Bus’k, Zvenygorod, Terebovla, Zboriv, Grymayliv, Przemysl, Yaroslav, Lezaisk, Lutsk, Volodymyr, as well as the ethnographic territories of Hutsul region, Boyki region, Lemki region, and Nadsianna.

The source material is systematized in three sections in chronological order: «Separate editions»; «Historical and local lore publications in periodicals (approbation of books in the press, scientific collections, calendars»); «Reviews of historical and local history publications».

The methodological basis of the research is the scientific-bibliographic and structural-typological methods.

Keywords: bibliography, historical and regional literature, Eastern Galicia, Volyn’.

Received 21.06.2023


  • Golubets, M. (1929). From the history of the city of Sokal. Lviv [in Ukrainian].
  • Nimchuk, I. (1932). About ancient Lviv. Dilo, 121, 2 [in Ukrainian].


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