« 2024. # 1 (175)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 1 (175), 159—169

UDK 7.046.3:27-565.7(477)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.01.159



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8836-8955
  • Fellow Researcher of the Ethnology Institute of the National Academy
  • of Science of Ukraine,
  • National Museum in Lviv named after Andrey Sheptytsky,
  • 20, Svobody av., 79008, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: marta_fedak@yahoo.com

Abstract. Introduction. The article considers the creative heritage of the master of the Deesis row painting from Bortne as one of the representatives of the painting center of the second half of the 16th century. The relevance of the topic is stipulated by the need to systematize the monuments of Ukrainian icon-painting by the painting manner of specific masters or art centers.

Problem Statement. In spite of the fact that specific works by the master of the «Deesis» row from Bortne have been subjected to reviews and discussions many times, still the material available remains fully unsystematized and non-attributed. The activity of this anonymous master is often associated with the author of the icon «Transfiguration » from Yabluniv. In spite of different attempts to characterize his painting manner, the works that hypothetically belong to the author of the «Deesis» row from Bortne have not yet been identified.

The Purpose of the article is to systematize the icons in which the manner of the master of the «Deesis» row from Bortne has been traced. The object of the research is iconic works corresponding to the painting manner of the above master. The subejct is their specific artistic and stylistic as well as iconographic features. The core methods in monument processing are stylistic and formal analysis methods. And special features in the interpretation of the plots and schemes have been considered on the basis of iconography and iconology.

Results. While stylistic and painting characteristics of the icon of «Deesis» from Bortne were taken as the basis, other works performed in the related manner have been identified. 12 monuments have thus been identified.

Conclusion. The icons considered, which are referred by us to the creative heritage of the master of «Deesis» from Bortne, are marked with a specific painting manner. All these works were found in the territory of modern Poland and one — in Slovakia. That may well point to the fact that the creativity of this painting center was possibly launched in the Lemko region. According to the artistic and iconographic characteristics of the icons, they are dated the third quarter of the 16th century, probably, the 60ies. Since the icons by the master of «Deesis» from Bortne preceded the creativity of other masters, it is him who should be considered the founder of the new stylistic movement which was further developed and creatively interpreted by the master of icon «Transfiguration » from Yabluniv.

Keywords: icon, iconography, stylistics, painting center, master of the «Deesis» row from Bortne, circle of the master of icon «Transfiguration of the Lord» from Yabluniv.

Received 25.01.2024


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