« 2025. # 1 (181)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2025. № 1 (181), 159—167

UDK [](477.85/.87=161.2):37.016

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/


BILYI Viktor

  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/000-0002-7107-4862
  • Candidate of Art Studies (Ph.D), Associate Professor,
  • Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Art LNAA,
  • Decorative Art Department,
  • 2, Adam Mitskevych str., 78601, Kosiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: biluy61@meta.ua

BILA Natalia

  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-5181-7081
  • Teacher, Kosiv Professional College of Applied and Decorative Art
  • LNAA, the cycle of fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines,
  • 2, Adam Mitskevych str., 78601, Kosiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: natabila1805@gmail.com

Abstract. Introduction. The article is dedicated to the importance of folk artworks, particularly Hutsul art, in educational tasks in the professional discipline «Painting» at Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Art LNAA. In addition to these items` coloristic and ornamental features, special attention is paid to their educational value in forming fine or decorative and applied arts specialists. This article’s purpose consists in identifying the main functions of Ukrainian folk artworks, particularly, ceramics, artistic wood, fabrics, and folk clothing in educational tasks of the academic discipline «Painting» at KIADA LNAA. We used methods of observation, experimentation, analysis of the results obtained, generalization of creative experience, the art historical method, and formal analysis, which helped us identify the main features of tasks with folk artworks. The source base of the publication was the initial programs of the KIADA LNAA, professional publications of Ukrainian scientists dedicated to folk decorative art and issues of its integration into fine arts, many years of teaching experience of the authors, and student works of the 4th year academic discipline «Painting». Results. Several functions of folk artworks in academic tasks have been identified. The first is their decorative meaning in the formed composition. Usually, these items perform compositional accent functions, adding original recognizable forms, enriched with traditional ornamentation. Besides, folk ceramics, artistic wood, textiles, or clothing decorated with embroidery form a bright coloration. These works contribute to the affirmation of national identity in students forming a creative personality during academic studies. The dialogue between the teacher and students is very important in this process, appeals to the previous experience of the latter, and the unity of form and content inherent in folk artworks.

Keywords: Ukrainian folk art, Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Art LNAA, educational discipline, academic painting, study, academic function.

Received 27.01.2025


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