The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 3 (141), 752–758
UDK 7.072.2М. Моздир:001.9:069(091)](092)
Fedoruk Oleksandr Kasianovych, doctor of art history,
a member of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, a professor
at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture,
editor-in-chief of the magazine “Visual Arts”.
Voznesenskyi Uzviz Street 20, 04053, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Contacts: e-mail:
Abstrakt. The article covers home-psychological and internal-subjective factors of life and scientific creativity of Mykola Ivanovych Mozdyr (1928—2018). The author, a close friend of a famous museum designer and scientist, cites a number of littleknown examples from various periods of his professional development and versatile activities in the field of history, ethnology, art studies and museum affairs. Particularly valuable are the author’s observations of the methodology of the identification of cultural artifacts, principles of administration of Ukrainian science in the conditions of totalitarian time, inherent in M. Mozdyr creativity. The role of M. Mozdyr in the development of scientific research programs at the Museum of Ethnography and Arts of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in support of young talents was noted separately. The main thematic interest of the scientist in the field of art history and museum science is noted.
Keywords: Mykola Mozdyr, fine arts, museum affairs, science, art studies, ethnology, material and spiritual culture, folk memorial plastic, national traditions.
Received 23.05.2018
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