« 2018. #1 (139)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 1 (139), 179–188

UDK7.04:2.67 (477.84)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.01.179

Received 4.01.2018


 Levytska Mariana, Candidate of Sciences in Art Studies,

Ph.D, doctoral student in the Department

of the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Svobody Avenue 15,  79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: e-mail: m.levytska@gmail.com

Abstract. Example of the Assumption cathedral of the Pochayiv Monastery has shown the changes in the church interior decoration after the monastery transition from Basilian Order to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1831. These changes were accomplished in accordance with a political needs. One of this needs was a purpose to sacralize a tzar authority and it has been realized by the «Sacred Rus’ «concept. Authority used different resources to establish a loyalty of a new subjected, such as religious art within a church interior (icons, mural paintings, lithurgical items) and new objects of the worship (new Russian saints). These visual components in the ritual space reinforce its influence. Therefore, the image of Christ, the Virgin, the Apostles or Evangelists combined space with images of the new saints inscribed in the historical context of Russian Orthodoxy.

 Keywords: Pochayiv Monastery, Assumption cathedral, religious art, Sacred Rus’ concept.


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