2013 year, issue 1


Farion Iryna. On ruthenian (ukrainian) language at the crossroads of two unions: union of Lublin (1569) and that of Brest (1596). P. 3-11

Social status of Ruthenian (Ukrainian) language during the term between two unions — Union of Lublin (1569) and that of Brest (1596) — has been considered in the article. The impact of important socio-political factors upon functionalism of Ukrainian language and its reception by nobility and governing circles has been put under study. In the research-work the way of continual creation and consolidation of Ruthenian lingual ethnic consciousness against the background of traditional religious consciousness and in spite of active processes of polonization and assimilation has been exposed.
Keywords: Ruthenian language, Unions of Lublin and Brest, sociolinguistics, lingual ethnic consciousness.

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Tsyhanyk Myroslava. On Ruthenian trinity (Rus’ka triytsia) corypheans’ folklore records in Yakiv Holovatsky’s People’s songs of Galician and Hungarian Rus’. P. 12-22

In the article have been analyzed some folklore records by Yakiv Holovatsky and his sworn brothers M. Shashkevych, I. Vagilevicha and G. Ilkevich contributed to the edition of People’s Songs of Galician and Hungarian Rus’. Peculiarities of choise as for creations of Ukrainian oral literature in this edition have been traced.
Keywords: encyclopedia of folk songs, collecting activities, folk record collectors, fans, option.

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Beley Lubomyr. Ukrainian Transcarpathia in the early XX c.: under the pressure of ukrainophobia and assimilation. P. 23-29

The article has brought analytical study in the present-day state of educational and language policy, facts of doubtful evaluation concerning the origin of significant local cultural monuments as well as regional religious-confessional specificity being proofs of assimilatory aims by certain influential political circles in Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine as for Ukrainians of historical Transcarpathia.
Keyword: historical Transcarpathia, Neo-Ruthenianism, Church-Slavonic language, monuments of Ukrainian language, sui iuris status

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Kozlovsky Vitalii. On some problems with definition of Ukrainian historical folk song as a term in scientific discourse of folklore studies. P. 30-39

The paper has presented certain conclusions of research-work concerning the progress in theoretic definition of the historical song term in Ukrainian folklore studies. Some light has been thrown upon the key concepts related to the considered notions. Focus has been made on the issue of classifying the historical lyrical epic and its place in the system of genres as for the oral tradition in general. Main trends of research approaches to historical songs in the present-day folklore studies have been noted.
Keywords: historical song, term, genre, lyric-and-epos, classification.

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Chikalo Oksana. Songs-chronicles of XX c.: folklore chronicle of arrests and deportations. P. 40-44

In the article have been analyzed some prison song-chronicles and specimens of those on deportations — sung creations that form quite a part of folklore heritage of insurgent movement. The mentioned kinds of songs re-present people’s look on consequences of ethnocide policy put in practice by Soviet and Polish state authorities to Ukrainians in the mid– and the second half XX c. Sung creations re-produce hard fates of fighters for national liberation and lives of their relatives who had been persecuted and deported to Siberia or re-settled in the course of «Wisla» action because of political motives.
Keywords: song-chronicle, genre, plot, motive, localisation, tradition, tragedy, formula, image

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Kachmar Maria. On metamorphosis cut of Ukrainian etiological legends. P. 45-55.

The article has considered a principle of metamorphosis in Ukrainian prosy etiological tradition. On the ground of analytical studies in folklore texts there have been discovered some functional meanings of motif of transformation as a punishment for committed sins and violations of people’s customs or ethical standards. Quite specific feature of metamorphosis in etiological legends has been noted, viz. definitive and generally irreversible character of transformations. Attention has been paid to relations of images for reincarnation, a way of its commitment and an inverter of changes (as word or object).
Keywords: metamorphosis, etiological legend, motive, penalty, violation of taboo, people’s symbols, verbal and contact magic.

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Luta Ivanna. On customary and ritual accompaniment of child-birth by inhabitants of volhynia. P. 56-67

In the article have been considered some customs, rites and beliefs spread along the territory of historio-ethnographical Volhynia and related to a child-birth. Especial attention has been paid to folklore notions of a woman in child-birth and a midwife as main participants of event.
Keywords: midwife, woman in child-birth, custom, rite, Volhynia.

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Movna Ulana. On ukrainians’ apicultural charms. P. 68-77

For the first time in native ethnology the article brings some results of a research-work in apicultural charms being quite a featuring part of Ukrainians’ world-view practice. Charms have belonged to the kind of ritual texts that might be characterized with vivid and most active verbalism with its clear and distinct magical load. Charms as a genre of folklore form a peculiar group of items owing to their archaic nature as well as utilitarian functionalism, specialized practical destination, unity of sacral and profane articulation. The world-view ground of charms has always been heterogeneous as that originated and developed through the ages with fixing so primal human world-consciousness as historically later (Christian) epistemological and axiological picture of reality. In the paper have been considered apicultural charms of religious and magical contents that got quite significant spread so in everyday bee-keeping practice (occasional aspect), as in the contents of yearly religious festivals (calendar one). The aim of apicultural charms had been and still is getting of concrete practical result, i.e. successful functioning of apiary.
Keywords: charms, bee-keeping, folklore text, world-view, word, action, thinking, utilitarian, Ukrainians.

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Radovych Roman. On the development of heating system in polisian dwellings. P. 78-87

In the paper has been considered one of important problems connected with heating system of Polisian dwellings, viz. a process of functional segmentation in stoves, a work that consisted in arrangement of separate heating devices (stove bench for lying on, tile stove), kitchen range etc. Main attention has been concentrated on constructive peculiarities of those as well as on chronological frames of their penetration into village habitational construction of separate regions in Polisian land.
Keywords: Polisia, dwelling, oven, tile stove, heated bench for lying on, cooking range.

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Bosa Olha. On motives of fruit and vegetable gardening in the folk household calendar re-settlers from San river basin and Kholm region. P. 88-93

In the article based upon respondents’ answers and questionnaire materials have been considered and analyzed some motives of gardening in the folk household calendar by expatriated re-settlers from San River Basin and Kholm Region. So local as all-Ukrainian typical features of motives have been put under study. Conclusions of the paper have brought quite substantial additions to previous research-works on less-known aspects of agriculture by re-settlers from San River Basin and Kholm Region.
Keywords: San River Basin, Kholm Region, household calendar, rite.

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Hladky Mykola. On magnification of a house master and a housewife in ukrainian christmas carols
(after materials from the village of Dobrohostiv). P. 94-98

On the basis of Christmas carols recorded by the author at the village of Dobrohostiv, Drohobych region, Lviv oblast, the images of a house master and a housewife honoured in the days of Christmas and New Year festivals during ritual visitations of households have been discovered.
Keywords: Christmas and New Year ritualism, Christmas caroling, Christmas carol, subject, house master, housewife

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Ihnatenko Iryna, Nahorniuk Oleksii. On roadside crosses of Polisia: functions, semantics and symbolism. P. 99-104

The article deals with roadside and votive crosses of Polisia region. In the research-work based upon authors’ field ethnographic materials have been considered roles, functions and meanings of artifacts in Polisia Ukrainians’ spiritual culture as well as correlated beliefs, legends, traditional tales.
Keywords: Polisia, roadside crosses, votive crosses, «figuras».

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Pelekh Marianna. The tier of prophets in iconostasis of XVII c. from the Dormition Church, Lviv. P. 105-111

The article has brought analytical study in the tier of prophets belonging to iconostasis of Our Lady’s Dormitory Church, Lviv. The work comes from the early XVII century and is also known as the Hrybovychian iconostasis. The actual state of research-works in this field has been examined. On the basis of studies in iconographic programs of iconic complexes originated at the mentioned period and corresponding tiers of prophets the author has traced historical development as for composition of iconostases in Galicia and presented some results of comparative review according to their iconographic contents. Main canonical attributes of prophets and spreading of featuring traits along Ukraine have been noted. In the research-work have been widely used attributive data and old artifacts as well as photographical materials of 1940s and 1950s.
Keywords: attributes, iconostasis, the tier of prophets, Stavropigion, Old Testament themes, iconography.

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Boyarko-Dolzhenko. Victoria Ukrainian painting of late middle ages: the imagery of time and space. P. 112-121

The article has presented some results of analytical study in the sources concerning formation of a system as for artistic time and space in Ukrainian painting of the second half XI to XV cc. Light has been thrown upon the evidences of curvature in artistic space with definition of forms in mutual correspondence of temporal and spatial shifts. Forms of interactions between the static personage and dynamical surrounding have been traced in the context of passage of Ukrainian painting from heterogenous artistic space to homogenous one. Various aspects of interaction between symbolic and geometrical perspectives have been exposed as well as presentation of its evolving in the contents of stylistic changes as for icon painting.
Keywords: artistic chronotop, bending of artistic space, temporal and spatial shifts, symbolic and geometrical perspective, compositional dynamics, rhythm.

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Taras Yaroslav. On wooden galleries of folk dwellings in Moldova. P. 122-131

In the article have been considered wooden galleries and architectural decorative finishing of ones with subsequent tracing in treatment of pillars, leanings, heads, palings etc. Light has been thrown upon some features in porticos of southern and northern regions of Moldova. The text has been exhaustingly accompanied by graphical illustrations.
Keywords: Moldova, gallery, portico, wooden head

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Movna Marianna. Present-day guide-books on Lviv, their typology and contents. P. 132-141

In the article have been considered some points in the history of creation of guide-books devoted to Lviv and compiled in the period of Independent Ukraine. Typological appurtenance of guide-books has been signified with thematic, ideological and linguistic peculiarities of ones underlined. Characteristics of present-day authors’ achievements in the field of Lviv regional historical studies have been presented
Keywords: guide-book, Lviv, history, Independent Ukraine, tourism.

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Fedyna Oksana. On constructive and decorative features in galicians’ traditional and new forms of outer clothing at the late XIX and first decades XX cc. (after materials of garb collection, Lviv state Museum of ethnography and crafts, The Ethnology institute of NAS of Ukraine). P. 142-154

The paper has presented some results of studies in principal traditional and new forms of outer women’s and men’s clothing spread in Galicia at the late XIX and early XX cc. After certain features of cuts, decorations and materials scientific analytical research-work on aestheticism of dressings has been performed. A motivational significance of nominations as for objects has been put under consideration.
Keywords: outer clothing, cut, system of decor, tradition

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Kolodko Stepan. On cultural degradation of contemporary society and some means of opposition to this phenomenon. P. 155-160

In the article has been analyzed quite destructive influence of foreign mass-media upon the development of spiritual values formed so in individuals as in the society. Especial stress has been made on important position of conscious patriots for defense their authentic cultural and moral values.
Keywords: degradation, young people, pop-culture, mass-media, individual, society, spirituality.

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Shumska Yaryna. On performance as a tradition of past and present-day art. P. 161-166

In the article have been considered and analyzed some basic principles used by conceptual art of performance with especial attention to its characteristics and concentration around the idea of artistry. Light has been thrown upon the impact of conceptualization on the audience as well as the features of performer’s collaboration and intercommunication with public. Some terms for spreading and development of performance in Ukraine during last 50 years have been exposed.
Keywords: art, body, conceptual art, idea, performance, spectator.

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Bryniak Oksana. On the system of tropes in ukrainians’ baptismal poetry. P. 167-173

In the paper have been analyzed some poetic means and stylistic modes of Ukrainian baptismal songs. Traditional tropes (loci communes) and rare hypermetaphorical formations (loci raritates) in poetic creations have been defined and presented. Conclusions as for functional destination of mentioned methods determined by the genre specificity have been exposed.
Keywords: epithet, comparison, metaphor, metamorphosis, parallelism, hyperbole, litotes, diminutive suffixes.

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Gavruluk Roman. Features organization interiors theatrical building. P. 174-178

In the article the features organization interiors theatrical building, their styles and role, are investigated in cultural life of society and general «face» city.
Keywords: interiors of theatrical building, styles of interiors, theater, stage.

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Dydarets Volodumur. Small architectural forms in design of environment with the use of kolubu. P. 179-183

In the article, formings of small architectural forms are investigated in the design of environment with the use of kolubu, and also role of small architectural forms in creation of landscape environment.
Keywords: landscape design, koluba, small architectural forms, arbour, paving, трельяж, arbour, пергола, wooden furniture, decorative bridge for a garden, ornamental water, wattled a wattle-fence, ukrainian traditions.

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Nadiya Pastukh. Ukrainians’ tradition of lamenting in nearly two centuries. P. 184-187
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Our authors
Wax candle as ukrainian Christmas and epiphany ritualistic text
For the first time in native ethnology the article has brought some results of special study in sign functionality of a wax candle under the context of Ukrainian Christmas and Epiphany ritualistic text (ritualism of Christmas Eve, New Year, Epiphany Eve and Feast of Epiphany). The study has stated extremely high semiotic position of a wax candle as projection of Sun, mediator between the spheres of sacral and prophane elements, symbolic analogue of human existence, apotropy, cultural symbol re-establishing borders of acculturated space.
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Traditional folk clothes of velikobychkovsky hutsuly of XIX — the first half of XX century
In the study based upon numerous field materials, literature sources as well as ethnographic, historio-cultural and regional museum collections has been performed complex analysis in traditional folk clothes by Hutzul population of Velyky Bychkiv village in Transcarpathian region. Detailed descriptions of femi­nine and masculine clothing complexes of the mentioned area have been presented. In characterizing of those main attention has been paid to the detail of cut in separate components of dress; cut of feminine shirt has been added as an illustration.
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On bessarabian and moldavian ukrainians in the studies of historical ethnography
The article has thrown some light upon a sum of scientific findings got during XIX to XXI cc. in historio-ethnographic studies of Bessarabia and Moldavian Ukrainians. In the pre­sent paper has been given author’s answer to the problem of lacking progress as for the numerous themes concerning Ukrainians. State and achievements of the research-works in Ukrainians’ material and spiritual culture by the scientists of Moldavia and Ukraine through the years of independence has been exposed.
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Maternity ritualism by volhynians in publications of the second half XIX to the early XXI cc.
In the article have been considered some basic landmarks for fixing and publication of ethnographic materials on the maternity rites of Volhynia with analytical study in ritual elements, their kinds and territories of origin. The article has also raised a problem of gaps in studies of maternity rites of Ukrainian historio-ethnographic Volhynia.
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