« 2019. #1 (145)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 1 (145), 120—129

UDK 7.022.81:730.023.1-032.5(477.44)”198/201″
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.01.120



ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1240-0752

Postgraduate student

Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Chigorin Str., 20, Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: Ann_Alyoshkina@ukr.net

Abstract. The sculptural plein air movement contributes significantly to the popularization of stone carving art in Vinnytsia region. The reasons that influenced the origin of the «Podilsky Oberig» movement, which arose in 1986 in the village Busha (Yampilsky district of Vinnytsia region) were profoundly investigated, the evolution of annual plein airs of stone sculpture has been traced, the art-study analysis of symposiums participants’ works has been carried out. The unpublished photos were involved. As a result, it became clear how folk traditions of artistic stone processing revived during the plein airs within 1985—2018, especially the first 4 plein airs. Among the main participants — L. and A. Al’oshkiny, O. Pirniak, M. Stepanov, G. Chuienko, A. Mykytiuk and others.

Keywords: stone carving art, plein air movement, Vinnytsia region, Busha.

Received 16.10.2018


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