2014 year, issue 6


Stepan Pavluk. In search after refined perfection of Ukrainian art. P. 1097-1109

The article has thrown light on some paths of formation as well as on scientific works by Volodymyr Ovsiychuk, eminent art scholar, National T. Shevchenko prizewinner, corresponding member of Ukrainian Academy of Arts, professor, Head of Art Studies Dept. in the Ethnology Institute of NAS of Ukraine, a person, who had completely devoted himself to Ukrainian culture and served its needs.
Keywords: V. Ovsiychuk, B. Vozvytsky, T. Shevchenko, restoring works, Ukrainian art.

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Olha Ihnatenko. On art scholar Volodymyr Ovsiychuk’s civil and political position during post-war period (1945 through 1970s). P. 1102

The article has dealt with formation of V.A. Ovsiychuk’s personality and his civil and political position during complications of war and post-war time. On the basis of declassified archival materials kept by the Headquarter of Ukrainian Security service in Lviv obl. and documents gathered in the State archive of Lviv obl. the research-work has brought an account as for psychological climate so in working-places of future scholar, as in a whole of Ukraine. Stress has been put on the point that compulsive measures appeared to be insufficient to destroy strong patriotic attitudes of some certain public figures. Notion has been launched that in spite of his non-party position V.A. Ovsiychuk’s role in artistic life of Lviv belonged to determinant ones.
Keywords: V. Ovsiychuk, Lviv, socio-political position, Com¬munist party power, local elite, artistic elite.

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Mariya Helytovych. Notes to scholar’s image. P. 1110-1111

With great love and profound respect the author has re-created her episodic meetings with Volodymyr Ovsiychuk. Stress has been laid on the scholar’s expressions as to Ukrainian icon painting.
Keywords: Volodymyr Ovsiychuk, sightseeing, ison.

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Oleh Sydor. Some notes on the history of Lviv artistic Shevchenkiana. P. 1112-1141

The article has brought a view of large and multilateral massive of artistic and cultural monuments, united by the term of Lviv Shevchenkiana. Accent has been put upon those Fine Art works and documentary evidences of the II half XIX and XX cc. that presented the role of phenomen by Shevchenko and his creative heritage in strengthening of Ukrainian idea, in growing of Ukrainian people’s self-consciousness in the complicated historical periods. Analysis in kinds and genre-thematic variety of exhibited creations has demonstrated life-affirmative and invariably actual potentiality of Shevchenko’s heritage as well as born by it reflections of several artistic generations.
Keywords: Lviv, National Museum, Shevchenkian studies, T. Shevchenko’s graphical sheets, Shevchenkian theme.

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Viktoriya Katsay. To the history of sojourn of T. Shevchenko’s artistic heritage in Kharkiv during 1926—1948. P. 1142-1154

The article has brought quite detailed historical account as for foundation and activities of Taras Shevchenko Institute of and Gallery of Shevchenko’s pictures of Kharkiv. The review of scientific achievements and exhibitive events of gallery is being exposed. Main accent has been put upon research of the archival documents, related to evacuation of Shevchenko museums of Kharkov and Kiev. The problem of maintenance of creative inheritance of Shevchenko in the years World War II has also been considered.
Keywords: Shevchenko, institute, gallery, museum, exhibitions.

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Olha Denysenko. T. Shevchenko and I. Repin. P. 1155-1164

The article has presented certain parallels in creativeness by the artists risen at the various time: if for T. Shevchenko most actual notions laid in aesthetics of Romanticism, I. Repin’s creative personality got strong influence of Realism and the social load of artistic image. Conclusion has been forwarded that in spite of evident difference, both painters became pioneers in numerous branches and genres of art, in its genre-thematic direction first of all.
Keywords: T. Shevchenko, I. Repin, K. Brullow, social status, self-portraits.

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Halyna Ivashkiv. Shevchenkiana in the 19th — early 21ST cc. ukrainian earthenware. P. 1165-1188

The article analyzes the image of Taras Shevchenko and characters of his works in décor of folk and professional earthenware as well as ceramic items produced by porcelain and faience factories and plants. Major groups and types, composition schemes, motives, and decoration techniques of the given earthenware items have been identified. The author of the given paper puts particular emphasis on the fact that artists displayed their creativity in depicting the national genius, and highlights the artists’ participation in the most renowned exhibitions.
Keywords: Taras Shevchenko, image, earthenware, composition, décor.

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Volodymyr Zhyshkovych. On Codex Gertrudianus as a bright example of medieval cultural and artistic synthesis. P. 1189-1198

In the article have been analyzed main artistic and stylistic peculiarities of unique Medieval creation, viz. Psalterium Egberti — Codex Gertrudianus. Handwritten creative work holds illuminations that have come from the late X c. or Ottonian epoch as well as those of the second half XI c. produced under Kyivan prince dynasty of Yaroslav’s successors. Especial attention has been paid to miniatures in the texts of Gertruda’s prayers, those fulfilled in Ukraine unique examples of creative synthesis of Western European Latin and Eastern European Byzantine-Kyivan Christian art.
Keywords: miniature, manuscript, artistic synthesis, iconography, Christianity, Middle Ages.

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Nazar Kozak. On the portraits of prince Yaropolk Izyaslavych in miniatures of Psalterium Egberti according to the research notions and findings of early 2000s. P. 1199-1202

The article has exposed some new hypotheses and interpretations as for the miniatures of Psalterium Egberti painted to order of Kyivan princess Gertrude and presented the portraitures of her son prince Yaropolk Izyaslavych.
Keywords: Psalterium Egberti, Yaropolk Izyaslavych, Gertrude, portrait.

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Mariya Helytovych. On miniatures of Khyshevychian Gospels (a.d. 1546) in the context of Ukrainian painting of the mid-XVI с. P. 1203-1210

Under analytical consideration have been put some peculiarities of miniatures in Khyshevychian Gospels, the artworks of 1546 that belong to representative monuments of Ukrainian art of XVI c. Their analogies in styling, artistry and imagery with those in a series of the mid-XVI c. icons, especially in works by painter Oleksii, have been marked and traced. Quite persuasive hypothesis as for Olexii’s authorship of Khyshevychian Gospels has been expressed.
Keywords: icon, miniature, painter, styling.

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Oksana Herii. On proportions of the whole numbers in constructions and decor of Ukrainian iconostases during the first half XVII c. P. 1211-1222

The article has presented some examples as to proportional division of decorated surface in Ukrainian Renaissance artifacts of sacral art (icon shields, iconostases complexes of the late XVI and the first half XVII cc.). Renaissance creators’ theoretic notions on proportions in architectonic artistry have been exposed in accompaniment of specimens of their practical realization. Rich factual material has enabled author’s claim that Ukrainian sacral art developed in common European cultural dimension.
Keywords: Renaissance architecture, Ukrainian sacral art, proportions in art, cfrved iconostases.

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Maryana Levytska. On cleansing of the temple evangelical theme in Western European and Ukrainian baroque painting: some iconographic parallels. P. 1223-1230

The article has brought recent results of analytic studies as for iconography of Cleansing of the Temple evangelical theme treated in Ukrainian religious art of XVIII c. In the course of the research-work have been generalized native theological bases of the mentioned iconographiс subject and its development in European Christian art. Compositional structures of various paintings, frescoes and icons by Ukrainian and European artists have been put under comparative consideration.
Keywords: temple, Christ, apostles, theological context, icono¬graphic peculiarities.

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Heorhii Kovalenko. Kievan Peer Gynt. P. 1231-1251

The article has been dedicated to analytic studies in life and creative activities by Christian Kron, a lesser-known Norwegian artist, whose human destiny had been closely tied with Kiev. The paper has brought some notes as for sources and paths, determined the painter’s formation of own individual position in the art of Modernism; in the course of research-work have been coined characteristics of his polyphonic creative experience, clearly evident in paintings, in sketches to the sets of scenography and in critical notions. Considerable attention has been paid to the part of artistic milieu, certain personalities and the whole atmosphere of experiment in establishing the system of artist’s aesthetical co-ordinates. Close creative contacts with such determinant figures of epoch as Henri Matisse, Aleksandra Ekster and Aleksanr Bogomazov have been traced.
Keywords: Ch.Kron, creative destiny, Kievan period, Modernism, landscape, portrait, scenography.

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Adam Bartosz. On collection of Hutsul art in Diocesan Muzeum of Tarnow. P. 1252-1256

One of the most interesting collections of Hutsul art in Poland is exhibited in Diocesan Museum of Tarnow. The collection had been donated to mentioned museum by Norbert Lippóczy, a local collector of Hungarian origin who gathered it in 1933 to 1939. The collection consists of 56 glass pain¬tings, a stove restored out of 47 tiles made by Aleksander Bachminski (Oleksa Bachmatiuk) and Michal Baranowski (Mykhailo Baraniuk) as good as several other pieces of Hutsul folk ceramic work.
Keywords: Hutsul art in Poland, pictures, painted on glass shield, objects of Hutsul folk ceramics, Oleksa Bachmatiuk, Mykhailo Baraniuk.

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Sofiya Korol. On the role of a motif in Ukrainian landscape en plein air: thistle, a steppe flower. P. 1257-1262

Main idea of the article has consisted in an attempt of attraction the audience’s attention to a problem of the role played by a motif in formation of natural image exemplified through one of most characteristic motif of Ukrainian landscape en plain air. In the article has been made a try at overcoming traditional view of motif en plein air landscape as an element introduced by exclusively natural considerations. The emergence of a thistle motif not only determined its innate floral picturesqueness and artistic attraction but also attested certain changes in an artist’s consciousness, particularly in growth of his inner freedom, in his striving for expression of subjective ideas and re-examination of values as a method for enrichment of artistic world and coming out the framework of ascertained norms.
Keywords: landscape, motif, artistic image, form-plastic and emotio-psychological treats.

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Andrii Lesiv. On some peculiarities of Judas Iscariot’s outer appearance in Ukrainian painting through XVI to XVIII cc. P. 1263-1271

The article has brought quite multilateral and vary differentiated solutions of Judas Iscariot image in Ukrainian painting through XVI t XVIII cc. In the greater measure the authorical approach has been turned to the apostle’s picturesque appearance. In analysis of survived then-a-day monuments have been noted rather large variety and considerable freedom in Judas Iscariot iconographic treatment.
Keywords: Judas Iscariot, apostles, the Last Supper, Cycle of Passions, Ukrainian artistic tradition, Eastern Byzantine and Western European cultures.

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Dariya Fesenko. On Italian artists and their monumental paintings of XVIII~c. in Ukraine. P. 1272-1280

The article has dealt with some recently discovered biographical data of Italian muralists, who had been active in Ukraine during XVIII~c. Certain new sources providing more specific informations related to Benjamin Frideriche have been introduced into scientific circulation. The artist performed orders of Berdychiv Barefooted Carmelites’ Monastery and Kyivan Pechersk Lavra. An attempt of substantiation as for popularity of Italian monumental painting along the Ukrainian lands in the XVIII~century has been made.
Keywords: monumental painting, XVIII century, an Italian, Baroque, painter.

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Roksolana Kosiv. Painted on canvas icons of the late 1680s and 1690S from the Church of our lord’s Transfiguration (Village of Voroblachyn, Yavoriv district, Lviv region). P. 1281-1289

In the article have been presented five painted on canvas icons from the Church of Christ’s Transfiguration in the village of Voroblachyn (Yavoriv district, Lviv region) now in custody of National Metr.A. Sheptytskyi Museum, Lviv and Museum of Traditional Folk Architecture, Lviv. Due to artistic values and manner of painting these icons have been attributed to creative works by the author of icons from Lopushanka Lechnova Church. Time of this painter’s professional activities according to another survived icons with his marks lasted between 1680 and 1690. Features of iconography have substantiated a conclusion that mentioned canvases might be painted not earlier than the late 1680 and during 1690s. Peculiarities of iconography, techniques of painting and compositional schemes of icons have been studied and treated in comparison with then-a-day paintings of wooden temples. Manuscript inventories with short notes as for Voroblachyn Church interiors of XVIII c. have been put under analytic research-work.
Keywords: icons on canvas, Christ’s Transfiguration Church in Vorobliachyn, iconography, manner of painting, church interior, church inventories.

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Andrii Klimashevsky. On typological characteristics of furniture of Ukrainian churches. P. 1290-1299

For the first time ever the article has presented author’s view upon classification of interior furniture used in Ukrainian churches with account of confessional specificity. Under analytical study have been put main factors having basic influence upon formation of principal and auxiliary typological groups of church furniture.
Keywords: church interior, church furniture, church inner arrangement.

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Oleh Boluk. Ecclesiastical wooden objects with contour carving: some peculiarities of ornamental motifs and iconography types. P. 1300-1315

On the ground of analysis in primal graphical elements and morphological features of decorative motifs as well as of Christian iconographic schemes some traits of contour carving upon ecclesiastical objects have been put under thorough consideration. The artworks acquired during field art studies, expeditional tours, exhibites of museum stores as good as the items of private collections have been summed up into the source basis for the research.
Keywords: motif, ornament, iconography, carving.

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Rostyslava Hrymaluk. On formation of aesthetic platorm for secessionism in Ukrainian art through the late XIX and early XX cc. P. 1316-1327

Formation of secessionist aesthetic platform as a kind of world-view, as sui generis path to synthetic solution of universal cultural problems of time had won the style theorists’ minds in the late XIX c. This task had become an indisputable prerogative and reflected the break in the very principles of form-creation, the shift accompanied by artistic re-orientation that found its true realization in the characteristic usage of artistic heritage, in the method itself applied for renovation of traditions. This is why – in accordance with logic of historic process the Art of Modern as initial phase of the up-to-date artistry with no attention to its predecessor had turned itself to the Middle Ages – native and foreign ones – as well as to traditions of national folk art.
The Modern had been filled with innate aspiration for synthe¬tics of arts, for purification and renovation of decorative motifs, for organic balance of artistic forms, i.e. to phenomena, in their greater part quite consonant with tendencies that germinated in Ukrainian art of the late XIX c. This is Modern artistry, the only one, within which for the first time since Medievalism we meet syncretism as main structural form-creating sign – syncretism of constructive and artistic origins.
Keywords: Secession, architecture, aesthetic platform, Ukrainian style.

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Larysa Kupchynska. On less-known portraiture works by Felicjan Lobesky. P. 1328-1337

The article has presented some results of studies in creative works by Felicjan Lobesky, an artist of Western Ukrainian origin who lived and worked in Galicia, incl. Lviv during the first half of XX c. Under analysis have been put drawings performed on the basis of pictorial artistic monuments of previous centuries. The artworks have been considerd in the context of multidimensional program of studies in nation’s spiritual and material culture. Individual artist’s contributions to the solution of pressing needs of the time have been outlined.
Keywords: Felicjan Lobesky, artist, drawings, artistic monuments, portraits, action program.

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Ludmyla Sokoluk. Mykhailo Zhuk’s creative efforts in the context of stylistic searches in the artistic culture of XX c. P. 1338-1342

The article has brought a research-work on artistic achievements of Mykhailo Zhuk, one of the founders of Ukrainian art academy. His unique and universal gift of painter, graphical artist, decorator and ceramist as well as talent of poet, writer and dramatist have been considered and characterized. Artist’s creative evolution has been presenteded in the context of stylistic searches of the epoch.
Keywords: Ukrainian art academy, Mykhailo Zhuk, creative evolution, stylistic searches.

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Olesya Semchyshyn-Huzner. Heads of Prosvita Society in Lviv (1868—1939) and collection of their portraits in Andrei Sheptytsky National Museum. P. 1343-1354

In the article has been considered a gallery of portrait paintings presenting the images of native intellectualists and creative personalities that headed the Prosvita Society. In contextual study of Society’s activities the article has also traced provenance of mentioned artworks. Some light has been thrown upon the problem as for the incoming of analyzed artifacts in Lviv A. Sheptytsky National Museum. For the first time has been presented the whole characteristics of portrait gallery of Prosvita activists including paintings of unknown until now location.
Keywords: Prosvita Society, portrait gallery, museum, K. Ustyanovych, I. Trush.

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Oksana Triska. Llection of glass icons at the Andrey Sheptyts’ky National Museum in L’viv. P. 1355-1368

Dedicated to the Centennial of Vira Ilarionivna Svientsits’ka
The article describes the collection of glass icons at the Andrey Sheptyts’ky National Museum in L’viv, which includes eighty-seven works dating back to different periods — from professional Baroque paintings to specimens of glass-blowing and primitive folk art. The author focuses on the formation of the collection, analyzes the artistic and compositional features of the Ukrainian artifacts, and discusses the attribution of foreign icons.
Keywords: collection, icon on glass, iconography, artistic features, style, folk artist.

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Olena Nykorak. On artistic and aesthetic peculiarities of shawls in Western Ukrainian regions of Polisia and Volhynia. P. 1369-1379

In the article have been studies some artistic features of pattern-woven shawls produced in Western-Ukrainian regions of Polisia and Volhynia. In the course of research-work have been defined main schemes of compositions as well as motifs and coloring with characteristics of most important means and methods of artistic expressiveness in the products of mentioned territories.
Keywords: home-woven shawls, schemes of compositions, motifs, coloring.

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Ludmyla Gerus. Clay toys from Opishne in Lviv museums. P. 1380-1393

The article has thrown some light upon the history of collecting folk clay toys and Ukrainian researchers’ efforts as to formation of Opishne toy stores in museum of Lviv, namely Museum of ethnography and artistic crafts of NAS of Ukraine. National museum in Lviv, Metropolite Andrei Sheptytsky scientific and artistic foundation. In the course of study have been performed attributions and artistic analyses of creations; transformations in functions and forms of clay toys during the XX c. have been traced and exposed.
Keywords: clay, toy, Opishne, museum, Lviv, collection.

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Olena Fedorchuk. Beadwork in the artistic structure of the national garment ensemble of Bukovyna in the late XX — early XXI century. P. 1394-1404

The trends of the third phase of the beadwork artistic ware development on the historic lands of North Bukovyna were researched. The typological, technological and artistic peculiarities of the beadwork components in the national garment ensemble of various ethnic zones of the land were determined.
Keywords: glass beads, decoration, glass beads decor, clothes.

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Olena Kozakevych. On typology of Ukranian traditional folk knitted and laced products of XIX and early XXI cc: clothing. P. 1405-1421

The article has brought analytical study in typology of Ukrainian knitted and laced products used during XIX and early of XXI cc. The research-work has been performed on the ground of museum artifacts as well as photographs and expeditionary materials. The author has elaborated a typology of components of traditional folk clothing and its destination with especial attention to historical and sociocultural factors and processes of art.
Keywords: knitting, lace, tradition, typology, typological group, type products, furnishings, hats, belts, accessories.

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Anna Korzheva. On image-creating of Psyche and Eros in Antiquity. P. 1422-1327

In the article have been highlighted and put under analytic study some features in image-creating of Psyche and Eros represented as figures, various shifts in the course of lovers’ story, their differentiated interpretations (religious, philosophical, psychological) in evolving of mythological, literary and figurative world of antiquity.
Keywords: Psyche and Eros, image creation, mythological, literary and figurative world of antiquity.

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Oksana Storchay. Letters of Ariadna Trush-Slonevska, daughter of artist Ivan Trusz’ to Tetiana Nellinger (1960—1973). P. 1428-1442

The article is devoted to the publication of letters of the eldest daughter of a well-known Ukrainian artist Ivan Trush, Ariadna Trush-Slonevska to Tatiana Nellinger (1904—1980) an-original artist with a short introductory section and comments.
Keywords: Ivan Trush, letters of Ariadna Trush-Slonevska, artist Tatiana Nellinger.

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Sofiya Trykolenko. On contemporary ukrainian scenography exemplified by productions of Kyivan Academical Young Theatre. P. 1443-1447

Exemplified by Kyivan Academical Young Theatre decorative inclinations and particularly its scenography to productions of Mysterious Variations (after E.E. Schmidt’s piece), Angelic Comedy (after E. Rucello’s Ferdinando), Egg-hog of two eggs (after N. Erdman’s Self-murderer) the article has traced some world influential tendencies upon local traditions and introduction of Ukrainian theatre to international artistic process.
Keywords: present-day Ukrainian theatre, scenery, musical and choreographic design, acting.

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Orest Makoyda. Some features in development of holy Passions thematics: Western European context. P. 1448-1462

In the article have been considered some features of development of Passionate themes in Western European context. The emergence and the origin of realistic tendencies in creation of Passionate Christ’s image have been traced. Main stages in development of Passionate themes have been exemplified by the certain Western European artifacts of XI—XVIII cc., primarily Italian ones.
Keywords: Holy Passions, Crucifixion, stylistics, composition, iconography.

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Mykhaailo Selivachov, Mykhailo Sahaydak, Petro Marusenko. Demarcation of Art History. P. 1463-1464
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Svitlana Rybalko. Naked model in the Japanese art of the late ХІХ — and the first third of the ХХ century: tradition and innovation. P. 1465-1473

The article has exposed some locations for nude models in the art of Japan during late ХІХ and first third ХХ cc. The author has throws light upon the cultural aspects of Japanese art and the place of nudity in its practice through the era of modernization.
Keywords: Japanese art, painting, drawing, sculpture, naked model, body, modernization, colonization, gender.

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Yevhen Kotlyar. On Jewish artistic monuments of Kamyanets district in publications of Hahenmeister: search and discoveries. P. 1474-1487

The article has presented some re-found materials on Jewish art of Podolia, esp. the artworks gathered and published under supervision of Volodymyr Hahenmeister (1887—1938), widely-known Ukrainian art historian, lecturer and publisher in co-operation with K. Krzheminsky (1893—1937) within the framework of editory activities by Kamyanets Podilsky industrial school (Hahenmeister school). The author has considered two unique books published by this school — the album devoted to memorials of Jewish cemetery in Kamyanets-Podilsky, published in 1926, and one devoted to paintings of wooden synagogue in Smotrych of 1929. All attempts to find even one of the two albums had no results. The author of the article has found in the archives several documents only — 24 lithogra¬phic pictures of the memorials. This finding allows us to represent the tombstones of the old destroyed cemetery as a historical and art artifacts, as well as to evaluate the aesthetics of the mentioned publication.
Keywords: Kamyanets-Podilsky, Hahenmeister school, Jewish art, synagogue, wall-paintings, tombstones, iconography, symbolism, stylistics.

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Nataliya Levkovych. On artistic features of eastern Galician besamims of XVIII to the first third XX cc. P. 1488-1500

The besamims — metal ornamented boxes for fragrant volatile substances — have constituted quite a significant part of Jewish art and craft products in Galicia and belonged to most important ritual objects kept in each Jewish family. By means of analytical study in great number of mentioned containers as for their forms some typological groups of spice boxes have been distinguished. All artworks had been decorated with floral ornamentations accompanied by zoomorphic motifs, sometimes by anthropomorphic images and Hebrew writings. Galician besamims of XVIII to early XX cc. have been genuine monuments of artistry and craftsmanship, true realization of the authors’ creative gift as well as quintessence of spiritual aspects in local Judaic practices.
Keywords: besamims, ritual smells, decorative finishing, ornament, filigree, mint, foundry mouldings.

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Alla Dmytrenko. On costume in the context of Vadym Meller’s scenographic search (after collectanea in the State Museum of theatrical, musical and cinematographic arts of Ukraine). P. 1501-1513

In the article have been considered some examples of costume artistry in the context of V.G. Meller’s theatrical heritage. Attention has been paid to the artist’s collaboration with L. Kur-bas’ Berezil company, that appeared to be the epicentre of avant-garde reforms in Ukrainian stage life of the early XX c. Artistic and stylish features of scenic costumes put under analytic study have been traced be means of sketches kept in custody by Kyivan State Museum of theatrical, musical and cinematographic arts of Ukraine.
Keywords: Vadym Meller, Berezil stage company, costume, avant-garde, scenography, constructivism.

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Bohdan Ziatyk. Iconostasis of the Church of Epiphany in the village of Kuhayiv, Lviv region. Problem of conservation and research. P. 1514-1520

In the paper has been considered a less-known monument of sacral art — Iconostasis of the Church of Epiphany in the village of Kuhayiv, Lviv Region. Certain new approaches and validity of the research work have been substantiated in the article. The author has presented main historical stages in creation of Iconostasis, its artistic and stylistic peculiarities. An attempt of definition as for the circle of artists who created this monument has been made. The paper has exposed some results of comprehensive iconographical analysis in the contents of developed septa that were in front of the altar at that time. Owing to the signatures on some icons names of founders as well as time of creation of Iconostasis have been discovered.
Keywords: iconostasis, the Church of Epiphany, village of Kuhayiv, Lviv Region, iconography.

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Victoriya Korotkevych. Academician Vasyl Krychevsky’s life and work during Myrhorod period. P. 1521-1528

In the article have been presented some data as for Vasyl Krychevsky`s life and creative activities during his work in Myrhorod іnstitute of industrial arts. On the basis of archival documents, published sources and scientific literature an attempt has been made to throw light upon conditions that prompted him to move in Myrgorod and to become director and lecturer at the іnstitute of industrial arts. The author also has tried to define pottery skills and knowledge demonstrated by Krychevsky in the course of his creative and instructive works as well as reflections of his influence in processes of teaching and students’ creativity, to discover the the level of his engagement in creative work, in the art of pottery in particular.
Keywords: Vasyl Krychevsky, director, lecturer, Myrhorod іnstitute of industrial arts, reorganization, educative process, pottery, ornaments, pottery designs, museum of institute.

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Liliya Pasichnyk. On some peculiarities in formation and development of Ukrainian jewellery industry during XX and XXI cc. P. 1529-1540

The article has brought light upon main stages in development and current state of Ukrainian jewellery industry. The author has presented general review of activities of four jewellery enterprises in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa and Lviv, founded in the first half of the last century.
Keywords: jewellery industry, jewellery factories of Ukraine, range, international specialized exhibition.

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Inesa Palumbo De Vivo. On Hutsul culture and its theoretical aspects enlightened by the creations of fine arts. concept of Hutsul phenomenon. P. 1540-1546

In the article some light has been thrown upon certain peculiarities of Hutsul traditional culture exposed by the creations of fine arts. Instrumentals for the research-works have been theoretical issues and analyses as to the notion of Hutsul phenomenon. This approach has substantiated scientific novelty of the study. Hutsul culture has been analyzed through the prism of dualstic religious and ethnical world-view in its psychological and mental modifications on the level of genetics. Quite a number of artworks that presented the best specimens of multiformity and variety of Hutsul traditional culture has been considered.
Keywords: the Hutsul culture, Hutsul phenomenon, dualistic belief, art.

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Geiza Derke. Painting art by Volodymyr Mykyta. picturesque and plastical language. P. 1547-1553

The article has presented an attempt in systematization and scholarly artistic interpretation of pictorial search after own individual style made by Volodymyr Vasylyovych Mykyta, an outstanding Transcarpathian painter, Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Arts, people’s artist of Ukraine. Main accents of the paper have been laid on the study of principal form-creating features as well as on imaginative plastic search of pictorial stylization. Visual series of the mentioned materials, i.e. author’s paintings has been exposed with the aim to enable the whole perception of his work and to bring generalized essence of this paper.
Keywords: Volodymyr Mykyta, painting, plastic art, compositional structure, painted surface, means of expression, metaphorical tune of images.

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Liliya Yakymechko. Paraska Khoma’s decorative painting, its historiography and some aspects of creative methodology. P. 1554-1561

In the article have been considered main scientific and basal resources of creativeness by Paraska Khoma, well-known contemporary artist, author of numerous artworks, honoured master of decorative painting. Some light has been thrown upon the stages in formation and developing of P.Khoma’s artistic language, accordingly to her artistic world-view; thematic series of paintings have been systematized with subsequent presentation of particularities in author creative methodology.
Keywords: Paraska Khoma, decorative painting, masters of folk primitive, vegetative-flowering motives, figurative language, artistic world-view, means of expression, technique of realization.

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Myroslava Bil. On Ivan Keywan’ life and creative work. P. 1562-1567

The article has represented a complex analytical study of I. Keywan achievements in various types of creative activity. In the course of study have been considered some problems of the artist’s formation and creativity in Ukraine and abroad. Light has been thrown upon his creative research, exhibitive, social and scientific activities.
Keywords: artist, work, creativity, emigration, graphics.

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Go Kaj. On Beijing Center of artistic glass in China. P. 1568-1573

(some historical and present-day peculiarities of development)
The article has brought author’s analytic notes as for certain features in formation and development of one of the most-known industrial Chinese centers of artistic glass, viz. the center of Beijing glazing. In particular, light has been thrown upon historical role of Beijing glass workshops in shaping the traditional methods of manufacture and decorative artistry of Chinese glass through XVII to XVIII cc. In modern terms, special attention has been paid to creations by the artists – pedagogues and instructors of Glass Art Academic Chair, Art and Design Dept. at Tsinghua University, Beijing. The article has presented a part of author’s dissertation research on some artistic and stylistic features of contemporary glass in China.
Keywords: China, glass, Beijing Center, history, features, modern development.

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Ivan Bilan. Y. Mahalevsky, his art and struggle for independent Ukraine. P. 1574-1580

The article has thrown some light upon artistic creativity and social activities by Yuri Mahalevsky, UNR painter and struggler during the national liberation efforts of 1917—1921 as well as in exile. Critical articles about artist’s portrait and landscape works, published in periodicals of 1920s and 1930s have been put under analytical study. On the ground of survived creations and reproductions in publications, an attempt has been made as for re-valorization of Mahalevsky’s artistic heritage.
Keywords: UNR Army, academism, portrait, exhibitions of GLUA.

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Natalia Pyzhyanova. The historiography of Porfyrii Demutsky’s Okhmativsky village choir foundation. P. 1581-1589

The article has been dedicated to investigation in foundation years of Okhmativsky choir’s. Particularly the author has put under analytic consideration some archival and autobiographical materials by Porfyrii Demutsky. The article has deals with varios hypotheses as for the choir’s creation date. Chronological limits for investigations, defining the date of Okhmativsky choir’s creation have been outlined.
Keywords: historiography, Okhmativsky choir, archival materials, Porfyrii Demutsky.

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Vasyl Semenyuk. On some features of interpretation in poetic images of graphic arts. P. 1465

Each work unites Ukrainian schedules with other powerful embodiment of folk motifs and their updating to current and future generations. However, you must not only play of motives, but also reveal an exceptionally high level of aesthetics and spirituality of Ukrainian fine art images and melodies, which are reflected in the poetic creativity I.-B. Antonych, Mr.V. Symonenko many attractions and torches of the native culture.
Keywords: graphics, poetry, modernity.

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Roman Yatsiv. Retrospective of Khrystyna Kudryk’s creative work. P. 1590-1591
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Our authors
On field exploration of russian and belarusian ethnologists and etnolinguists in Ukrainian Polisia 1945—1980s
In the study based on a wide range of literary materials have been comprehensively characterised field research in Polisia of Ukraine, performed by Russian and Belarusian ethnologists during 1945—1980s as well as Moscow ethnolinguists and other researchers from ethnologic centres of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in the course of realization of Ethnolinguistic Atlas of Polisia program. Particular attention has been paid to geography, methods, themes and research results of scientific projects.
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Wax candle as ukrainian Christmas and epiphany ritualistic text
For the first time in native ethnology the article has brought some results of special study in sign functionality of a wax candle under the context of Ukrainian Christmas and Epiphany ritualistic text (ritualism of Christmas Eve, New Year, Epiphany Eve and Feast of Epiphany). The study has stated extremely high semiotic position of a wax candle as projection of Sun, mediator between the spheres of sacral and prophane elements, symbolic analogue of human existence, apotropy, cultural symbol re-establishing borders of acculturated space.
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Boikos’ pandemonium: categories of evil deceased
In the article have been presented some research-work on peculiarities of Boikos’ traditional demonological notions as for so-called evil deceased; on the basis of field records and ethnological literary sources quite a number of scum categories have been defined as well as essential habits, modes of behavior and functions of these personages of people’s demonology.
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Daily bread baking of ukrainians in the south-western ethnographical region at the late XIX to early XXI cc.
The paper has dealt with analytic study in prescriptions, signs, customs, methods, ways of selection, procurement and some peculiarities in usage of subsidiary means — water, firewood and leaves in bread baking. The final aim of the mentioned actions had been (and still is) selection of the means and ingredients fit, by their characteristics, for the backing of bread. The paper has demonstrated dependence of bread backing subsi­diary means criteria from the folk nutritional standards and world outlook stereotypes as well as from regional social and economic, natural and geographical factors and peculiarities of material culture.
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