The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 2 (134), 416—421
UDK 911.3:32 (477:439)(1192.2)
Skliarska Oksana, candidate of geographic sciences
at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Universytetska Street 1, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.
Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. The article reveals to the features of the modern demographic processes in the administrative districts UkrainianHungarian border. The main consequences of ethnic and demographic effects of ethnosocial changes and political processes in ethnic contact zone were indicated. Demographic parameters on both sides of the border were compared in article. Key features of electoral behaviour of the population in ethnonational aspect were revealed, the network of civil organizations of ethnic communities and it`s activity were analyzed. It was revealed, that the main idea of implementing the state ethnopolicy in the UkrainianHungarian border must be the idea of integrating border zone population in the all languagecultural and sociopolitical environment.
Keywords: border, ethnic minority, ethnopolitical process, consolidation, demographic changes.
Received 11.02.2017
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