« 2017. #5 (137)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 5 (137), 1208—1234

UDK 304.2(510=161.2)(093.3)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.05.1208


Ivashkiv Vasyl Mykhailovych, PHD in Philology, professor,

Head of the Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Filaret Kolessa

at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.


Ivashkiv Halyna Mykhailivna, Ph.D in Art Studies,

senior research fellow at the Museum of Ethnography and Artistic Crafts

of the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Svobody Avenue, 15, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

Contacts: Tel. (032) 2970157; e-mail: ina@mail.lviv.ua

Abstract. The given article highlights peculiarities of everyday life in China in the perception of Ukrainian scholars who lived for almost a year in Shanghai, the biggest city of this country. The author emphasize on Ukrainian presence in this country, namely they write about the Department of Ukrainian Language and Lite­rature and the Centre for Researching Ukraine at Shanghai International Studies University, the Museum “Ukraine” in Jinhua, presentation of Taras Shevchenko’s poetry in the Ukrainian Embassy in PRC, the bronze bust of M. Hohol in Shanghai, an interesting and initiative Ukrainian community of this city etc. The article also describes authors’ impressions after visiting Chinese museums, churches and temples, parks and public gardens in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and Suzhou, a Chinese village, eating Chinese cuisine etc.

Keywords: China, Ukrainian studies, education, culture, Chinese churches and temples, parks, museums.

Received 10.08.2017


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