« 2018. #1 (139)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 1 (139), 189–199

UDK39 (477.85)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.01.189

Received 21.12.2017


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7241-9466

Taras Yaroslav, doctor of History, professor, Candidate of Sciences in

in the Department of of the modern ethnology

of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Svobody Avenue 15,  79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: e-mail: etnomod@ukr.net


National University “Lviv Polytechnic”

Abstract. The article deals with public-commune mutual assistance at Pokuttia, which took place in the second half of the 19th century to the present days: toloka, klaka, pomochi, supriazh. On the basis of field material, it was analyzed how: toloka`s were made: «peel the corn», «spin the flock», «to soil the house», «pulling feathers», pomochi etc. Their organization is ascertained: the invitation to the toloka, the time of their conduct, the contingent of the participants, the menu of the dishes and the order of their presentation, the form of leisure. The significance of toloka`s for social and public life and the preservation of rural communities has been established.

 Keywords: Pokuttia, toloka, klaka, supriaha.


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