The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 2 (140), 448—453.
UDK 745.52:7.071.1
Received 13.02.2018
Jamborko Olha, Candidate of Sciences in Art Studies,
Associate Professor
of the department of design and theory of art,
teacher of Institute of arts of the Prykarpattya national university
of the name of Vasyl Stefanyk.
Street of Shevchenko, 57, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Ivano-Frankivsk area, 76000.
Contacts: e-mail: ; tеl. 0671391478.
Abstrakt. Carpets and rugs of the Kulchytski sisters as true samples of the «Ukrainian style» of the first third of the XX century are disclosed in the article. Sources of the sister’s creative heritage are highlighted. It reveals the influence of Finnish design on the early stage of the development of Olena Kulchytska’s artistic style. Ukrainian folk art is considered as a source of incipience of unique mature style of Olena and Olga`s Kulchytski carpets.
Keywords: carpets, rugs, art textile, Finnish design, Ukrainian style, Olena and Olha Kulchytski.
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