« 2018. #2 (140)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 2 (140), 469—477.

UDK 377.011:745/749.031](477.86-21)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.02.469

Received  6.02.2018


Chikh-Knysh Bohdana, candidate of arts (Ph. D)

associate professorat the Department of Art History and Humanities,

Kosiv`s State Institute Decorative and Applied Art LNAA.

32 Stephan Bandera str., Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region, 78600, Ukraine

Abstrakt. The center of Kosiv art school, which was formed on the basis of traditional crafts that have been functioning in Hutsulshchyna for centuries, is considered. It is emphasized that du­ring the 20th centuries the forms and educational levels of the academic institution in Kosiv have been changed, though the strategy of teaching that was based on the learning of folk technologies, compositional structures and ornaments was consistent. It contributed to the preservation of pottery, wood-carving, bondarstvo (a kind of woodworking), carpet wea­ving, cloth-work, mosiazhnytstvo (a kind of artistic metal processing), needlework and furriery. The names of teachers, artists, craftsmen whose creative work favored the preservation of traditional crafts were introduced into the scientific circulation.

Keywords: the center of art education, traditional crafts, folk technologies.


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