« 2018. #3 (141)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 3 (141), 708–718

UDK 72.01

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.03.708


Tsiao Shubei, postgraduate student
at the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts.
Mystetstv Street 8, 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Contacts: elena_olenina@mail.ru

Abstrakt. This article continues the study of children’s play spaces of China, and defines the problem of synthesis of Western European and Chinese artistic and aesthetic traditions in the contemporary design of China. The author studies the design solutions of some famous entertainment venues in Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese megacities. Based on the compositional analysis of intra-district and city-wide game zones, the author concludes that in the context of globalization and active technological development for the design of China’s children’s play spaces this synthesis is most often used. It underlies at the heart of many artistic solutions and is carried out with certain design techniques, that the author revealed. This approach contributes to the mutual enrichment and interpenetration of eastern and western cultures by means of design, making the game space more universal and communicative.

Keywords: China, design of urban environment, children’s play spaces, synthesis, international, national, design approaches, design techniques.

Received 27.03.2018


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