« 2018. #3 (141)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 3 (141), 535–549

UDK 327.8:341.241.5]:355(470-651.1:477)”201″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.03.535


Vovkanych Stepan Yosypovych, doctor of economics, professor, economist, sociologist, politilogist, Honored figure of science and technology of Ukraine, leading researcher
in M. I. Dolishnii Institute of Regional Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Kozelnytska Street 4, 79026, Lviv, Ukraine.
Contacts: Tel. (097)074-6071; e-mail: lsvovkanych@gmail.com

Abstrakt. For the first time, attention is drawn to the fact that under Russia’s escalation of hybrid war against Ukraine there is the urgent need for globalization of socio-economic, spiritual and informational, ethno-cultural, legal and other responsibility of the West to Ukraine in terms of verification of a new socio-humanistic paradigm of international relations and application of the synergistic effect of civilized humanity as a result of the joint mobilization of human efforts in opposition to the current imperial-chauvinistic challenges to global security, aggressive responses to the weakened nations’ sovereignty and subjectivity. Besides the insufficient defence capacity and security from the well-armed invaders, these nations suffer from the criminal, crafty and hybrid-misinformative invader’s voice, which makes them voiceless and doomed to be eternally unheeded.

Keywords: historic responsibility to Ukraine, national idea, socio-humanistic paradigm, stratagems and maxima of the country’s development.

Received 12.02.2018


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