« 2018. #5 (143)

The Ethnology Notebooks, 2018, № 5 (143), 1308—1319

UDK 75.03:75.01:75.021:7.036«19/20»(510)=161.2

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.05.1308

Received  19.09.2018


Sun’ Ke, graduate student

National academy of fine art and architecture

Str. of Voznesenskyi lowering, 20, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: a.q.h@hotmail.com ; +380505548874

Abstrakt. Transformation and development of the genre and thematic features of Chinese oil painting during times of the emergence and active development of the style of «Scar art» are analyzed in the article. The influence of general social tendencies on the development of fine arts of the specified period is described. It was found that many artists and art critics of that time had been referring to the artistic heritage of previous periods and trying to return then widespread realism to its origins, in particular to the principles of the «Local art». The preconditions and reasons for the emergence of the «neoclassical art» style and the influence of distinctive national cultural features on it are considered in the context of the search for reintegration into the global artistic space and for self­identification by Chinese artists.

Keywords: China, oil painting, «Scar art», «Local art», neoclassical art, peculiarities of painting, styles.


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