« 2019. #1 (145)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 1 (145), 208—213

UDK 39874.4 78.085.7 (477)
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.01.208



ORCID iD 0000-0001-5188-1491

Candidate of the Art critic, docent

Department of Musical Ukrainian,

Studies and Folk Instrumental Music Art

Institute of Art of the Precarpathian National University

after Vasil Stefanyk,

34-A, Academician Sakharov str., 76014,

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: olgafp4@ukr.net

Abstract. The article represents the specifics of the folklore festivals of the Ukrainian western frontier. The study of the specifics of the functioning of border boundaries has an interdisciplinary character.

The issue covers art and culture, religion and language, politics and ideology. The issue of the borderline nowadays highlights a number of aspects of the modern interaction of many ethnic cultures on the level of assimilation, migration and interactions that are related to the history and residence in one territory of several neighboring nations and, forced and voluntary migration of Ukrainians to European countries etc.

For today, the course and features of the folk festivals of the border areas are still little studied in the scientific circle.

During the period of independence of Ukraine, it was found that due to certain reasons of socio-cultural, economic and political nature, the dynamics of the festival movement also changed. The folk festival combines the traditional principles of presentation, revival, recreation of deep sacral and mental phenomena of the ethnos, and spectacular — in the inherent festival of the character of the action.

This event is a holiday for both performers and spectators who become direct collaborators of the process of deploying festival forms.

The components of the genres of folk festivals include: vocal solo, ensemble, choral; instrumental — solo, ensemble, orchestra; vocal-instrumental — solo and ensemble. Folklore festivals are distinguished by their specialty (amateur, professional or synthesized), according to age characteristics and genre typology.

The complex levels of interaction of intercultural communication among representatives of different ethnic groups are developing, in particular: the formation of knowledge and skills about the musical traditions of certain ethnic groups and subethnos, their functioning and distribution, signs of transformation.

Among the functions of folk musical instruments, presenting their art at folklore festivals, one should name the identification (national, ethnic, subethnic); anthropological; informational; cognitive; value-aesthetic; entertaining (to dance, to listening as an accompaniment); emotional, etc.

Keywords: ethnos, subethnos, frontier, musical folklore, song creation, festival, assimilation.

Received 22.12.2018


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