« 2019. #2 (146)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 2 (146), 503—509

UDK 036 “195/20”: [069: [929:821.161.2 Франко] (477.83-25)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.02.503


MOVNA Marianna

ORCID ID http: // orcid.org/0000-0003-2473-6998

Junior Researcher of the Vasyl Stefanyk

National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

in Department of Scientific Bibliography,

2, Stefanyka str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: mari3anna@ukr.net

Abstract. Today in Ukrainian historiography became an imminent of necessity to concentrate research attention on such publicly meaningful and practically unstudied segment as guide-books by our city. Lviv among the cities of Ukraine has the oldest history of edition of guide-books and absolute quantity of them (over 250 books by different languages — Polish, German, Ukrainian, French, English, Russian, Italian and other).

During the historical tread the name «guide-book» was appointed to short reference edition of pocket format, with illustrations or without them, but with obligatory geographical and historical description of country, city, information about its known architectural sights, historical places, glorified habitants, names of streets and areas, ways of report, with maps, charts and orientation plans.

Over six centuries Lviv was under power of foreign invaders — Poland, Austrian empire, Russian empire, against Poland, Hitler Germany, Soviet Union. Therefore Lviv as a separate mental category and centuries-old culture of its habitants have not an objective reflection on pages of guide-books by a city, the authors of that were representatives of other cultures, were confined national sounding, represented mostly within the framework of vision dominant in the historical moment of ethnos is certain.

Researching of history of guide-books by our city generally and by museums in particular, belongs to the little lighted up questions of modern studies of Lviv.

A task of the article is to give the scientific analysis of plenitude and authenticity of the actual material concentrated in guide-books by the museum of І. Franko of concrete historical epoch, to trace the basic historical tendencies in contents of guide-books, to consider the thematic and ideological filling of guide-books from position of modern Ukrainian historical science.

The object of this article are guide-books by the literary-memorial museum of Ivan Franco in Lviv, that where published during 1956—2012, the factological filling of descriptions of exposition halls with presented artefacts.

The semantic dominant of Soviet period was communist ideological prevalence, which negatively influenced on the factological «face» of separate editions, the general scientific and cognitive level and degree of reflection of historical reality. The Ukrainian period is interesting by appearance of new valuable guide-books, especially visual guide-books with maximal filling with illustrations that absorbed the features of the best European standards.

Keywords: І. Franko, guide-book, literary-memorial museum, exposition, Lviv.

Received 12.02.2019


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