« 2019. № 4 (148)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 4 (148), 1007—1016

УДК 39 : 303.5(477.85+498.6) “19/21”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.04.1007



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3177-1919

Researcher ID: Е-22.69-2016

of philol. s., Associate

Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature

Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2,

Kotsiubinskogo Avenue, 58012, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Contacts: e-mail: kostyk_vv@ukr.net

Abstract. Studying the history of Ukrainian folklore in Bukovyna, we have found that, for the period of almost two hundred years of formation and functioning of the folklore science, unfortunately, the regional Bukovynian folklore school was not formed/established there. However, it should be noted that an active work was carried out in these areas: plans for ethnographic and folkloristic studies of Bukovynian Hutsulshchyna, Bukovynian Pokuttia, Bukovynian Podillya, Bessarabia; topic programs-questionnaires on the recording of Ukrainian folk songs, legends, fairy tales, folk stories, proverbs and sayings, riddles, signs, beliefs (folk prayers), folklore and ethnographic complexes of the Ukrainian wedding ceremonies, and others were developed. This is due to the article topic relevance. The purpose of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of the formation of ethnographic centers in the region, the characteristic of the unitary practice of collectors and publishers of the Bukovynian folklore, the outline of issues range that was within the competence of folklorists.

Problem statement. The object of the study is collections, works, reviews of collectors and researchers of the folklore of the Northern (I. Velehorskyi, H. Kupchanko O. Lonchevskyi, Yu. Fedkovych, S. Vorobkevych, K. Lastivka, R. Volkov, L. Yashchenko, H. Sinchenko, O. Romanets, G. Bostan, A. Yakivchuk, H. Demyan, K. Smal, M. Ivaniuk, I. Bezruchko, M. Revutskyi, M. Ivasiuk, S. Dalavurak, M. Zinchuk, K. Popovych, Ye, Yaroshynska, P. Rusnak, O, Rosdolskyi), and in Southern Bukovyna — I. Abramyuk, I. Rebușapcг, M. Shandro, D. Onyshchuk, I. Kideshchuk, the program on the collection of folklore and ethnographic materials of the Ukrainian Museum of People Studies in Chernivtsi.

The subject of study is the consideration of aspects of the origin, formation and functioning of folklore (ethnographic) centers of Northern and Southern Bukovyna.

The work draws attention to the geographical and chronological coverage of the administrative territory of Bukovyna (Northern and Southern) for the period from the mid 19th — early 21st century. Mainly historical-cultural and structural-typological methods, as well as elements of geographic and other methods of folklore science are used in the article.. Based on handwritten, archive and printed sources and research literature, certain stages of the birth, formation and development of ethnographic centers of the region are analyzed and emphasized the role of organizers and leaders of the Ukrainian ethnology research. The result of the work of these organizations is ordering and publication of many folklore collections and writing of analytical articles, books on the functioning of Ukrainian folklore genres in the region.

Keywords: center, Bukovyna, collection, program questionnaire, school of folklore studies, collector, researcher, song.

Received 15.05.2019


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