« 2020. № 1 (151)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 1 (151), 200—206

UDK39874.478.085.7 (477) (438)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.01.200



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5188-1491

Candidate of the Art critic, docent

the Department of Musical Ukrainian

Studies and Folk Instrumental Music Art

Institute of Art of the Vasil Stefanyk

Precarpathian National University

Academician Sakharov Street,

34-a, Ivano-Frankivsk,

Ivano-Frankivsk region, 76000, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: olgafp4@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction. The purpose of the Lemko culture festival is to protect, preserve and develop cultural identity of the Lemkos ethnic group. Participants include amateurs, folklore and ethno-rock bands and singers from Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovakia, Canada and other countries. The cultural and artistic intentions of the organizers and performers of the action are intertwined and interconnected, composing the integrity of the past, present and future, reflecting the preservation of spiritual culture of the Lemko sub-entity as a whole.

Problem Statement. The article focuses on revealing the history of the origin and functioning of the folk festival Lemkos Vatra (Zdynia, Poland). It is noted that the connection of folklore with oral folklore contributed to the preservation of ethnic identity and ethno-cultural unity with the Ukrainian people, was a factor of self-identification, and also helped the Lemko families for many years to draw on the forces to resist polonization, slovacization. The porpose. The role of the Lemko Festival as a component of artistic Ukrainian-Polish cooperation for decades has been highlighted. The specifics of the festival action are described. Methods of local and regional study of Lemko musical folklore have been applied in the paper.

Results. Despite the dispersion around the world, Lemkos have preserved their culture to date. Due to the nature of the action, the presentation, revival, reproduction and popularization of the deep sacral-mental phenomena of the ethnos, the Lemko folklore festival unites the foundations of the traditional and the spectacular.

It is proved that today the Lemkos Vatra is the most large-scale and most popular event in Poland. The international ethnographic festival of Lemko culture is a kind of worldview that aims to preserve and develop traditions, rituals, song, instrumental and dance culture for future generations. This large-scale artistic phenomenon promotes dialogue between regions and countries, demonstrating national and ethno-cultural achievements, and is a manifestation of new relationships with the viewer and listener, who are often involved in the action.

Conclusion. According to the researchers, intercultural communication solves many problems of spiritual, moral, aesthetic, valued, humanistic character. Mutual exchange of cultural information promotes mutual understanding between peoples.

Keywords: history, Poland, Ukraine, festival, Lemkos, song culture, folklore.

Received 13.01.2020


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