« 2020. № 1 (151)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 1 (151), 60—92


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.01.060



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0887-8929

doctor in Arts, professor,

Leading Researcher

Ethnology Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Folk Art Department

15, Svoboda Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: olenanykorak@gmail.com


KUTSYR Tetiana

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6522-0640

candidate of arts (Ph D)

Junior Researcher

Ethnology Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Folk Art Department

15, Svoboda Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: sonechko_29@ukr.net



PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor

Kaunas University of Technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design

Department of Production Engineering

56 Studentu str., LT-51424, Kaunas, Lithuania

Contacts: e-mail: egle.kumpikaite@ktu.lt



PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor

Kaunas University of Technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design

Department of Production Engineering

56 Studentu str., LT-51424, Kaunas, Lithuania

Contacts: e-mail: daiva.milasiene@ktu.lt



PhD in Materials Science, lecturer,

Kaunas University of Technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design

Department of Production Engineering

56 Studentu str., LT-51424, Kaunas, Lithuania

Contacts: e-mail: zaneta.rukuiziene@ktu.lt



senior officer

Open Air Museum of Lithuania in Rusiskes

Department of Everyday Life, Folk Trades and Crafts

2 L. Lekaviсiaus str., LT-56337

Rumsiskes, Kaisiadoriu district, Lithuania

Contacts: e-mail: erikanort@yahoo.com

Abstract. Introduction. The folk Western Ukrainian and Lithuanian bedspreads are studied base on the results of Ukrainian and Lithuanian interdisciplinary r&d project «Ornamentation of West Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile: Universal and Unique Parameters» in the paper. The lack of comparative analysis, the most noticeable decor features of Western Ukrainian and Lithuanian woven items, in particular the bedspreads, has defined the study relevance and novelty.

This paper purpose consists in identifying technical parameters, artistic and stylistic features of ethno-artistic traditions of Western Ukrainian and Lithuanian bedspreads’ decor.

Tradition bedspread of Western Ukraine and Lithuania are the study object and the subject is the common and distinctive features of their decor.

Comparative-historical method and art analysis are methodological basis of the work. They have permitted to reveal the characteristic features woven bedspreads of Ukrainian and Lithuanian studied territories at the end of the 19th — the first half of the 20th centuries.

There were three kinds of sources using in the research: scientific publication of Ukrainian and Lithuanian scholars in the field of traditional weaving; the items from studied museum collections at Lviv, Kolomyia, Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Krylos, Radyvyliv, Lutsk, Vilnius, Kaunas, Rumsiskės, Kretinga, Klaipėda; materials of long-term field authors’ researches in Ukraine and Lithuania.

Results. Ukrainian and Lithuanian different kinds of bedspreads as well as their regional and local originality of their structure, texture, motifs, ornament, variability of composition schemes and color palette are characterized in the paper. Unique and universal features of Ukrainian items` ornamentation from different historical and ethnographic regions of Western Ukraine and similar items from Lithuania are noted.

Western Ukrainian and Lithuanian bedspreads’ studying has testified the existence in these areas of numerous types of woven fabrics and their local variants. Comparative art analysis of Ukrainian and Lithuanian items’ decor has helped identify a number of common and distinctive artistic features, ethnic indication of originality and local identity. They are a significant component of the national artistic heritage of Ukraine and Lithuania.

Keywords: Western Ukraine, Lithuania, weaving, bedspread, ornament, composition, coloring.

Received 26.01.2020


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