« 2020. № 3 (153)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 3 (153), 714—722

UDK [94:070.48:314.151.5(560=512.19:477.75)]”198/200″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.03.714



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3368-7203

Master in Public Administration, PhD candidate,

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,

Department of Middle Ages and Byzantine Studies,

1, Universitetska Street, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

e-mail: abu-bakr@ukr.net

Abstract. The history of the Qırımlı formerly deported nation’s return from the former exile’s places to their historical Motherland  — Crimea in the late 80’s — early 2000’s had been surveyed by many Ukrainian and foreign historians and political scientists. However, the question of a contribution and influence of the modern Turkey’s Crimean diaspora to the Qırımlı’s repatriation process, the revival of their culture, language and national education is leaved still out of consideration by researchers. Therefore, this is the topicality of this article. To show the transformation of socio-political thought in the Turkey’s Qırımlı diaspora to support the Qırımlı nation’s rights and freedoms during the period of their mass repatriation from the former exile’s places to their historical Motherland in the late 80’s — early 2000’s exemplified by the diasporic historical and philosophical journal Emel and its impact to change the national consciousness of the Turkish Qırımlı is the aim of this article.

The study subject is the Emel journal publications that had been published during the research period. This edition holds a specific place among the diaspora print media and it is a peculiar phenomenon in Turkey. In addition to the method of the content analysis of the journal’s publications, interviews with Turkish Qırımlı diaspora’s public figures and activists, both those directly involved in the journal’s activity and representatives of the Crimean national and cultural associations in Turkey, were also used as sources for this study. An attention is also paid to the impact of the journal to the social mobilization of Qırımlı communities in Turkey and a change in the cultural self-identification among the Turkish Crimean diaspora from «Turks of the Crimean origin» to the conscious determination of themselves as the Qırımlı diaspora of Turkey during the period of the late 1980s to the early 2000s.

Conclusion. Based on the study of Emel publications, oral recollections of the known public figures and activists of the Qırımlı diaspora, academic papers of Turkish researchers, an analysis is made of how under the influence of several external and internal factors, of socio-political thought among the Qırımlı diaspora transformed, the cultural self-identification of the Turkish Qırımlı changed among the diaspora, how a modern organized Turkish diaspora of the Qırımlı appeared from scattered communities.

Keywords: Qırımlı, Qırımlı diaspora, Emel journal, socio-political opinion, Crimea, Turkey, repatriation.

Received 20.06.2020


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