« 2020. № 4 (154)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 4 (154), 781—796

UDK 746.1:391](477.81-25)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.04.781



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0887-8929
  • Doctor in Art Studies, Professor,
  • Leading Researcher at Folk Art Department of Ethnology Institute
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • 15, Svobody ave., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: olenanykorak@gmail.com

Abstract. Introduction. The art studies analysis of the current state Rivne Polissia weaving was done based on the example of the newly created Radyvyliv center. The most important achievements of the Center for Research and Revival of Volyn and the workshop of historical weaving «Volyn Legends» were revealed. Exact reconstructions of traditional clothing complexes, various local centers of Western Polissya and Volyn are created at the workshop. The creative team contribution to tradition`s revival and interpretation manufacturing unique on Polissya muslin fabrics and items from them were characterized.

Relevance of the chosen issue insufficient awareness of the creative achievements of this modern weaving center was deter­mined.

The object of the research is the Radyvyliv weaving center, and the subject — its manufacturing and creative achievements.

The paper purpose: to find out the ways of modern assimilation, comprehension and evolution of folk weaving tradition of Western Polissya and Volyn on the example of Radyvyliv center of Rivne region.

According to the aim, it is necessary to carry out thenext tasks: causes of appearance, particulars of formation and development the weaving center to be considered; symbiosis of tradition and innovation in the reproduced folk clothing complexes, the outlined area to be traced; the most important achievements of contemporary artists to be analyzed.

The novelty: for the first time the specifics of assimilation, reproduction and interpretation of the traditions folk clothing of Western Volyn and Polissya in the new conditions of cultural and artistic needs and aesthetic criteria are revealed. It is shown that the manufacturing of modern clothing sets based on authentic samples testifies to the conscious appeal of artists to ethnic sources.

A comparative-historical method and art studies analysis are used as research techniques of the work. The publications of Ukrainian art studies and ethnographers were the paper`s source base. Author`s field materials, gathered during the art studies expedition in 2010 to Rivne Polissia as well as artefacts, authentic clothing complexes` reconstructions of various local centers of Western Polissia and Volyn, made at the workshop «Volyn Legends» in Radyvyliv on Rivne Region were paper`s factual basis.

Keywords: Western Polissia, Volyn, Radyvyliv, center, weaving, decor, ornament, tradition.

Received 26.05.2020


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