« 2021. # 1 (157)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. # 1 (157), P. 19—27

УДК 801.81:17.0221]:325.83.(477.82)”1940/1960″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.01.019


  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4415-002X
  • Candidate of philological sciences (= Ph. D. in philology),
  • Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Department of Folklor Studies,
  • 15 Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • e-mail: mdemedyuk@gmail.com


The article substantiates the relevance of the study of folk narratives using a value approach. Key axiological guidelines are considered, which capture the most important aspect of human existence, its ability to transform the world and itself according to significant value criteria. It has found that values ​​vary depending on the historical epoch, the environment, but they form the basis of human activity, as well as social relations. The purpose is to clarify the specificity and transformation of values ​​during the Second World War, which is actualized in the dichotomous concepts of good and evil, moral autonomy, responsibility and moral authority. The object of the study is the folklore narratives of Volyn Polissya, and the subject — the reflection in the texts of values ​​in wartime. The methodological basis of the work is the principles of objectivity and historicism of folklore, and the main methods are structural-typological, the method of conceptual analysis. The elaborations of the problem of value characteristics in the folklore texts, presented in the publications of philosophical and psychological problems (N. Godz, O. Stasevska, L. Khalyuk, S. Gorbatyuk, etc.) are used. It is emphasized that in recent years, in connection with the expansion of the subject field of oral science, the problem is relevant in the focus of folklore developments (works of Y. Garasim, O. Ivanovskaya, N. Yarmolenko, L. Mushketyk).

Based on the analysis of narrative texts, it have found that the main ideas for the events of 40—60 AD in Western Ukraine are the ideas of good/evil, happiness/misery, the value of human life and memory of the dead, etc. The article proved that the desire to do good things and see the positive even in the enemy is a productive motive in modern narratives. The value of human life, which interpreted regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, is also of undeniable importance. Happiness in narratives considered synonymously with the concept of peaceful life, being without war, which must be valued and protected. Motives of loyalty to duty, comrades, and marital honesty are gaining popularity in the narratives of rebel struggle and recruitment. Betrayal interpreted as an act of dishonor that can only neutralized by the price of blood.

Keywords: values, axiological landmarks, folklore text, narratives, war, ambivalent character.


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