« 2021. # 3 (159)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 3 (159), 630—640

UDK [[39:001.89]:930.2](477)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.03.630



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3164-1217
  • Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department
  • The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Department of Folklore,
  • 15 Svobody ave,79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: vasylsokil@gmail.com

Abstract. Among the historical disciplines in the scientific activity of H. Demyan ethnography took a prominent place. The basis of the proposed article was his explorations related to the study of traditional culture, the life of the Ukrainian people. In the centre, there are field records, where information is obtained directly from the media in the form of individual observation. An overview of the work of individual ethnographers who have enriched the theoretical, methodological, and analytical base in this area with their works is important. Together, they formed the subject of the study.

H. Demyan was interested in the Boyko folk calendar — spring (Feast of the Purification, St. George’s Day), summer (Ivan Kupala’s (Midsummer) Day, Peter’s Day), winter (Christmas, Vasyl’s Day (Generous Evening), Epiphany). The researcher also considered maternity and funeral rites. In his field of vision were Boyko’s musical instruments — violin, cymbals, flute, trembita. He traced the ways they were made and the ability to play them. H. Demyan scrupulously studied furriery, a craft that involves making skins and sewing outerwear from them. The researcher presented various furriers. Valuable information about craftsmen, technologies, tools, methods of leather correction, ornamental decoration of Boyko casings. Valuable records about vehicles and roads in the Ukrainian Carpathians (carts, sleds), as well as objects for carrying goods (stretchers, curbs, saddlebags) are presented. Monumental construction (masters M. Bylen, P. Skilskyi) appeared in the field of view of H. Demyan. He researched the life and work of folk embroidery collector O. Bachynska. Coverage of the ethnographic activity of M. Skoryk, S. Pavliuk and V. Skurativsky took a significant place.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the multifaceted ethnographic research of H. Demyan in the field of material and spiritual folk culture of Ukrainians, as well as to acquaint with the work of various representatives of this science.

The source basis for writing the proposed publication were articles published in various periodicals and books, archival materials stored in the Manuscript Department of the Lviv National Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk.

Keywords: ethnography, musical instruments, furriery, beekeeping, transport, researchers.

Received  20.04.2021


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