« 2021. # 3 (159)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 3 (159), 641—658

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.03.641


KOVAL Halyna

  • ORCID ID: http://orcid. org/0000-0002-2998-2357
  • Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
  • The Ethnology Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Department of Folklore,
  • Lviv-center, 15 Svobody ave,
  • 79000, Lviv City
  • Contacts: e-mail: galyna.kov@gmail.com

Abstract. The article deals with the research of H. Demyan in the field of Ukrainian literary criticism. This is his most active period in the 1970s and 1990s, which covered a huge amount of material that introduces the activities of a whole cohort of people of the artistic word, literary trends, and styles.

The subject of the study was explorations on the elocutionists of the XIX—XX centuries, which examines the life and creative development of many writers, literary critics. From there you can learn about artistic and cognitive activities, trace logical concepts and ideas. The peculiarity of these publications is that almost each of them has a certain relationship to local history or contains information about the national scale of a person.

Here are a number of explorations about various figures. First of all, we are talking about one of the oldest representatives of Boykivshchyna, L. Dankevych — a priest, poet, fable writer, publicist. I. Franko who passed through the «Boyko plains» and left noticeable traces in his work, deserved special attention. Brothers Bohdan and Pavlo Kyrchiv made a significant contribution to the literature. The activity of writers and public and cultural figures from the Stryj region O. Bobykevych, V. Byrchak and translator D. Yosyfovych. An important role was given to Bukovynian writers — Yu. Fedkovych, S. Vorobkevych, I. Bazhanskyi, D. Makogon and I. Wilde. The work of women in literature such as E. Bohenska, E. Yaroshynska, K. Malytska, O. Kobylyanska, is highly appreciated. As a separate edition, H. Demyan published works by E. Bohenska and K. Malytska. The list of young writers was replenished with the names of V. Matiyiv, Ya. Sachko, and literary critic S. Kiral.

Such a wide representation of creative people in the literary field became a guarantee to show the achievements of H. Demyan in this field, to identify the principles of selection and methods of work on this material, to give a professional assessment of scientific approaches, as literature is one of the arts — a special form of public consciousness which is based on the figurative reproduction of reality. This made the chosen topic relevant.

The source base for writing the proposed exploration were articles published in various periodicals, separate collections of works by writers, archival materials stored in the Manuscripts Department of the Lviv National Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk, home archive of H. Demyan.

Keywords: literary studies, writer, poet, translator, public and cultural figure.

Received  20.04.2021


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