« 2021. # 4 (160)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 4 (160), 873—885


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.04.873


TSURKAN Kateryna

  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3964-0844
  • Lecturer of the department of artistic textile
  • of Lviv National Academy of Arts,
  • Kubiyovycha Street, 38, 79011, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Contacts: e-mail: ktsurkan@ukr.net

Abstract.Introduction. One of the issues relevant to Ukrainian society throughout history is national self-identity. Encouraging students to study ethnography at the Department of Artistic Textiles LNAA is through ethnographic practices. The formation of the ethnic component of modern textiles from the standpoint of ethnographic practices has not been studied to date, so the study is relevant. Throughout the history of the Department of Artistic Textiles LNAA, these practices have taken various forms.

Problem Statement. The literature reviewed in the article provided an opportunity to clarify the importance of folk art traditions in the development of modern textiles. However, no publications have been found that specifically outline the role of ethnographic practices in the formation of the ethnic component of modern textiles.

Purpose. The target of the article is to identify the forms of ethnographic practices of the Department of Artistic Textiles LNAA and their role in the formation of textile artists — graduates of the Department of Artistic Textiles LNAA. The object of the article is ethnographic practices of the Department of Artistic Textile of LNAA, and the subject is significance of these practices for modern artist of textiles, graduates of the Department of Artistic Textile of LNAA and the formation of the ethnic component of their work.

Methods. Primary sources (documents of the archives of LNAA and SALR) and scientific literature, analized by using such methods as comparative-historical, analytical, were used. From empirical methods the observation and interview were used.

Results. Types of ethnographic practices are revealed. The role of ethnographic practices for the work of textile artists are clarified. The novelty of the article includes interviews, photos, observations, which are published for the first time. Documents from the LNAA and SALR archives are being put into scientific circulation.

Conclusion. 1. According to the results of exploration, four types of ethnographic practice were identified: 1) ethnographic expeditions; 2) performance of diploma works that preserve the traditions of folk weaving; 3) collection of ethnographic material in museums and at the place of residence; 4) direct residence in the center of preservation of folk traditions. 2. Ethnographic practices of the first three types awaken ethnic consciousness and encourage interest in the ethnography of own region. 3. Ethnographic practices work up for further research in the field of folk art. 4. Influence for the further development of creativity (in the work of artists involved motifs of folk art) and understanding the value of appeal to the exact ethnographic material or its bearer.

Keywords: ethnographic practice, scientific student society, folk art, art education, weaving, scientific research.

Received 2.08.2021


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