« 2021. # 5 (161)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 5 (161), 1234—1246

UDK [76.071.1:097](477)”19/20″А.Пугачевський

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.05.1234



  • ORCID ID: https://doi.org/10.51209/platform.1.3.2021.259-293
  • DSc in Arts, Professor,
  • Chief of the Chair of Humanities of
  • Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts,
  • 88, Zhylyanska Str., 01032, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: Julia_Romanenkova@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction. The article is dedicated to the creative work of the Ukrainian graphic artist, representative of the creative dynasty of the Kyiv school of printmaking Arkady Pugachevsky. The role of the artist ‘s personality in the general context of Ukrainian graphic art is highlighted, his contribution to the popularization of the Ukrainian book plate on the international art space is emphasized.

Problem statement. The main periods of the artist’s work, stages of his artistic activity as a graphic artist are characterized, his contribution to the formation of a new bookplate of independent Ukraine is actualized, the universalism of A. Pugachevsky’s creative personality is emphasized.

The purpose of the study is to put into official circulation the name of the artist, thanks to which domestic bookplates not only received a new stage of the history, but Ukraine became known as a significant center of the bookplate in the world, confirmed by numerous artist’s victories in foreign prestigious art competitions, which is proof of the recognition of his talent at the highest level.

To solve the aims of the article, the tools of historical, chronological, biographical, comparative methods are used, which allow to comprehensively characterize the formulated problems.

Results. With the help of the analysis of the creative work of the most characteristic stages of A. Pugachevsky’s work in the context of modern Ukrainian graphic arts, first of all — area of ex-libris, at the same time the place of the Ukrainian segment of graphic art in foreign art processes is covered.

Conclusions. The article is aimed at actualizing the creative work of Kyiv graphic artist A. Pugachevsky, his role in the presentation of Ukrainian printmaking in general in the international art space. The problem of insufficient recognition of the master in his own country crystallized, while the world art community succeeded due to his professionalism many years ago.

Keywords: printmaking, letterpress, plastic engraving, woodcut, bookplate, small plastic art, bronzе.

Received 7.09.2021


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