« 2021. # 5 (161)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 5 (161), 1035—1041

UDK 39:930(477.83+477.87=161.2)”07/11″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.05.1035




  • ОRCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2717-8234
  • Deputy Research Director,
  • Communal Institution of Lviv Regional Council
  • «Administration of Historical
  • and Cultural Reserve «Ancient Plisnesk»,
  • 54, V. Lypynsky St., Lviv, 79024, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: archandrij@ukr.net

Abstract. Based on archaeological materials, the article highlights the nature of the necropolises of ancient Plisnesk of the 9—13th centuries. The main purpose of the publication is to explore the question of the evolution of the funeral rite of the local population through the prism of ethnocultural and state-building processes.

It was found that soil cremations of the 9—10th centuries represented traditional Slavic burials. In the archeological excavations, it was even possible to find the remains of a pagan building for the cremation of the dead, unique for Plisnesk. Later mounds of the 11—12th centuries appeared with the inclusion of our lands in Rus’ (after the Rus-Croatian war of 993). In general, burials under earthen mounds are represented by cremations and inhumations. Traces of coofinswere also found, and the graves sometimes contained a rich accompanying inventory (jewelry, household items, weapons, etc.). The mound rite in Plisnesk was started by the Vikings, and later their Slavicized descendants, and possibly representatives of the indigenous population, were buried on the burial ground. Mass laying of Christian cemeteries in the 12—13th centuries was also due to the active state-building processes. Burials were typical of the Christian custom of the time, without inventory, erected on the back of the body, facing the west. However, when the funeral rite changed, the same population ramained, only its religious and ideological orientations changed.

The research methodology is based on the general scientific principles of systematics, objectivity and historicism, as well as on the theoretical analysis of archaeological explication.

Keywords: Plisnesk, necropolises, burials, Slavs, Vikings, ethnocultural and state-building processes.

Received 1.08.2021


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