« 2022. # 4 (166)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 4 (166), 949—960

UDK [73.04:726](477.83-25)”20″:821.161.2’373.46 

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.04.949


SKOP Mykhailo

Abstract. The article considers a number of terms related to sacred objects of Lviv, in particular, chapels, figures and crosses. The novelty of the topic lies in a comprehensive approach to the problem of differentiation of different types of sacred objects, as well as in an attempt to synthesize into one group a number of terms used by researchers for shrines of different periods, regions and religions.

The aim of the article is to investigate the most common terms and typologies of shrines in public space among Ukrainian and Polish researchers, to identify contradictions, to propose and substantiate the terminology most acceptable for comprehensive and generalized analysis of sacred art in Lviv.

The following methods were used: comparative, cultural context research, method of iconographic analysis, historical and artistic typology and classification. The object of research is sacred art sculptures in the modern public space of Lviv, including chapels, figures and crosses. The subject of the research is the terminology used by Ukrainian and Polish researchers. As a result of the study, the terminology and classifications of a number of scholars were analyzed, differences and contradictions were found and analyzed, in particular in the differentiation of «shrines», «chapels», «figures», «crosses». The dichotomy of «secular» and «sacred» spaces is considered. The use of terms that are most correct for use in relation to sacred objects of Lviv is highlighted and substantiated. A variant of classification by placement is offered.

Keywords: Figure, chapel, roadside cross, sacred sculpture, public space of Lviv, hierotopia, iconography, memorial, altar.

Received 2.08.2022


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