« 2022. # 4 (166)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 4 (166), 944—948

UDK [7.05:655.3.066.24:659.133](477)”19/20″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.04.944



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2463-6903
  • PhD of design, Senior Lecturer,
  • O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv,
  • Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts,
  • 17, Marshala Bazhanova St., 61002, Kharkiv,Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: soyual@ukr.net

Abstract. The article raises the issue of development of the Ukrainian social poster with theoretical principles, according to which the social poster can be attributed to the types of fine arts. The historical chronology of the evolution of social poster design in Ukraine is described. Its role in society is substantiated and it is determined due to which basic functions the social poster influences the socio-cultural life of the society. The stages of the creative approach from the formation of a creative idea to the final embodiment of the concept at the expense of visual means are outlined.

The subject of the study is the functions of the social poster in the public life of society.

The object of research is social poster in Ukraine of the second half. XX — beginning XXI century.

The article indicates which outstanding poster artists have formed a significant number of visual stamps in the art of social poster. The principal chronological changes in the subject of the social poster of Ukraine are given. Using a comparative method of scientific analysis. The chronology of the development of the social poster abroad was traced for a full comparison and correlation. There are differences in the modern approach to the presentation and implementation of a social poster in space, to improve communication with potential viewers. The parallels between the advertising and social poster are drawn.

In the course of the research it was determined that the modern poster is influenced by various factors: technical progress, construction of visual and compositional system, development of vocational schools, influence of state power, development of cultural life of the country. A well-created social poster is a powerful tool for broadcasting ideas on socially significant topics, actualizes the problem raised, and therefore brings it closer to solving it. The designer’s knowledge of the theoretical foundations of creating a social poster will create a quality content for the viewer, taking into account current trends in design.

Keywords: social advertising, social posters, meaning of social posters, function of social posters, method of making social posters.

Received 10.08.2022


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