« 2023. # 5 (173)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2023. № 5 (173), 1241—1246

UDK [745/749:[94:008]](477)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2023.05.1241



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4496-5931
  • Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Design
  • and Computer Technologies, Dean of the Faculty of
  • Decorative and Applied Arts, Kyiv State Institute
  • of Decorative Art And Design Named by M. Boychuk,
  • 32, M. Boichuka St., 01014, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: alla.diachenko0107@gmail.com

Abstract. The paper examines the essence of production as a way of influencing the formation of national cultural heritage.

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the productions significantly influence the culture in view of their national and traditional component, and also develop traditional crafts on an industrial scale.

The purpose of our research is to highlight the importance of production in the formation of national cultural heritage.

The following tasks were solved: the current state of production in Ukraine was considered; the main directions of production are characterized; the impact of production on the national cultural heritage is determined.

The object of study is production as a reflection of the people’s activity in a certain sphere, in which the nation invests its traditions and beliefs.

The research methodology is based on historical review, systematization, generalization and theoretical analysis. Attention is paid to productions, the problems of their formation and peculiarities of interaction with the authorities are determined, the influence of productions on culture is indicated. It has been proved that the development of certain industries depends on geographical, anthropogenic, historical and other facts. The main types of production in Ukraine are such types as ceramic production, woodworking production, pottery, and weaving. These are traditional components of Ukrainian culture that contribute to the preservation of the national traditions of the Ukrainian people. The impact of the Levinsky ceramics factory, the Art-Poof factory, the Author’s Glass Factory, and the Boguslav cloth factory on the formation of national cultural heritage is characterized.

The conducted research made it possible to come to the conclusion that the productions, influencing the development of the national cultural heritage, form the national identity and awareness of one’s nation as original and unique.

Keywords: production, pottery, woodworking production, ceramics, culture, Levinsky, craft, glass, weaving, factory.

Received 10.08.2023


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