« 2024. # 3 (177)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 3 (177), 539—561

UDK 94:[911.53:574:398.344](=1:477.8:292.452)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.03.539



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3828-1835 
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher, Institute of Ethnology
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Prospekt Svobody, 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: ihor.o.bojko@gmail.com

Abstract. The classical differentiation of sciences, which resulted in the development of specific methodological principles, terminologies, instrumentality, etc., obviously played a positive role in the development of science, when scientists asked questions: «What is this? Where is it common? How can it be used, or how can it be avoided or prevented?» In the future, due to the accumulation of practical and theoretical knowledge, the emergence of new challenges to society, appeared the need to understand the deep nature of phenomena, control over them, design and restoration of the environment, treatment of society and nature, scientific forecasting, etc. This led to the realization of the falsity of any determinism, requiring the use of data from different sciences, the creation of common scientific approaches and interdisciplinary approaches. One of such relevant approaches is the ecosystem approach, which is developing within the science of ecology, as well as at the junction of this science and many others, in particular socio-cultural anthropology. However, an obstacle to the effective application of the ecosystem approach is the misunderstanding of terms, inconsistency of methodology, which arise between representatives of different sciences. All this reduces the effectiveness and practical significance of the ecosystem approach, sometimes leads to wrong conclusions, and most importantly, it does not allow the use of research results by representatives of other sciences.

An important component of the traditional culture of the Carpathian population is the remote household, which is used in various ecological niches, is a component and creative principle of many anthropo-ecosystems, the so-called sub-ecumene. The author analyzes various theoretical developments in the field of the ecosystem approach, tries to find a common denominator. Therefore, on the basis of this, he distinguishes different types of sub-ecumenes, analyzes the landscape ecosystems of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The subject of the article is the peculiarities of applying the ecosystem approach in the study of the traditional culture of the Carpathian population. The object of the study is a remote household of the Carpathian population. The purposeis to analyze the impact of remote farming on the features of the landscape ecosystems of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The chronological frameworkof the study covers the first half of the 20th century.

Keywords: anthropo-ecosystem, sub-ecumene, remote household, Carpathians, cultural landscape.

Received 16.04.2024


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