The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 5 (179), 1215—1241
UDK [39:645.4-035.3](=161.2:477.86-13-11)”18/19″
- Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher,
- Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
- Department of Historical Ethnology,
- Prospekt Svoboda, 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
- Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. The study of wooden products, the basis of which is the furniture in the interior of the folk dwelling of the historical and ethnographic region of Ukraine that is Pokuttia at the end of the 19th — the first half of the 20th century, is currently a relevant issue of study for Ukrainian ethnological science. The purpose of the research is to find out and analyze the folk furniture of Pokuttia, to reveal their local and all-Ukrainian features.
The object of the study is the traditional dwelling of Pokuttia, and the subject is wooden products — folk furniture, which filled the interior space of the dwelling. The general scientific principles of historicism, systematicity, and scientific objectivity became the methodological basis of the research, which made it possible to carry out the necessary scientific analysis of the researched topic in general, as well as its individual aspects. To date, the specified problem has never been a separate object of research and coverage by ethnologists.
The source base of the research was formed with the help ethnographic expeditions, processing of museum collections, during which recording of found materials was carried out with the help of photography, measurements of products and their graphic sketching, interviewing respondents, therefore the basis of the work is field materials collected by the author.
The research territory covers the historical and ethnographic region of Pokuttia.
The chronological boundaries of the study outline the end of the 19th — the first half of the 20th century.
Keywords: ethnology, Pokuttia, folk dwelling, interior, wood products, furniture, border, structural details.
Received 9.10.2024
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